Saturday, 14 December 2013

Networking - M - Mingle

It's always easier to attend a networking event with someone you know, but make sure you don't stand in the corner and only talk to each other.  Set yourself a 5 minute limit to catch up at the beginning of the event and then mingle people, mingle.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Friday, 13 December 2013

Networking - L - Learn People's Names

We all know how it feels to start talking to someone we 'know', only to realise they have forgotten our name.  It certainly doesn't make you feel valued or important, does it?  By making an effort to remember someone's name you have the opportunity to make them feel wonderful the next time you meet.  That feeling goes a long way towards building a lasting relationship.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Networking - K - Keep Engaged

When someone is speaking to you, always be present in the conversation and stop worrying about what else is going on.  You may well be waiting for someone else to arrive or wanting to catch someone before they leave, but if that's the case, say so and excuse yourself.  There's nothing harder than talking to someone who is only half-way engaged.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Networking - J - Jot Notes

Once you have finished a conversation with a new contact, take 2 minutes to jot some notes on the back of their business card.  When you go to follow up the next day, you'll be able to easily remember who the person was and where the potential connections lie.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Networking - I - Introduce

It's easy to get caught up talking with one person the whole night; especially if you are their only contact in the room.  A good way to break the conversation and enable you both to meet new people is to say 'There's someone I'd love you to meet.  Let me introduce you.'  After introducing the person to another of you contacts, leave them to get acquainted and find someone new to talk with.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Monday, 9 December 2013

Networking - H - Host

If you attend a regular networking group, find out how to go about hosting the event at your place.  This gives you a chance to really showcase who you are and what you do, and its amazing how connections deepen once people have seen your home-base.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Networking - G - Get Their Details

Be proactive in asking for people's business cards or contact details - don't just leave it for them to get in touch with you.
from Tonic magazine, Issue 20

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Networking - F - Follow Up

After meeting someone for the first time, always follow up with a brief email.  Based on the conversation you had, try to include something that you think may be of interest to them.  It could be a link to a website, an interesting article or perhaps contact details for someone you think they should meet.  This shows the person that you were actually listening to what they had to say and are genuinely interested in helping them out.
from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Friday, 6 December 2013

Networking - E - Effort

For networking to be truly effective you need to be persistently consistent.  That means you need to attend the events on a regular basis, even if you don't feel like it.  The more you attend, the more people you get to know you, and the deeper the relationships and possibilities become.
from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Networking - D - Don't, Won't and Can't

Always keep your conversations positive and never talk about what other people should or could be doing better.  When the conversation turns to funding (as it inevitably does), try not to paint a desperate woes-me picture; people are more likely to support you if you paint a picture of success.  Focus on what is working well and encourage support in that area.
from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Networking - C - Carry Business Cards

Networking is much more than simply talking to people at the event.  You need to be able to share contact details so you can keep in touch.  It's a good idea to have a little business card holder that slips into the palm of your hand.  That way you can easily pass out your cards with out rummaging through your handbag with every conversation.

from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Networking - B - Be Prepared

You know people are going to ask about your organisation and your role within it, so make sure you are prepared with some good clear responses.  In about one minuted you need to be able to sum up who you are, what you do and most importantly, why you do it.  Make sure you can share a clear compelling vision of what your organisation wants to achieve.
from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Monday, 2 December 2013

Networking - A - Ask Good Questions

There's more to networking than simply telling people about you and your organisation; the real value comes in finding out about others.  Whether it is business networking for potential sponsors or networking with other non-profits, the more you know about others in the room, the more likely you are to find useful connections.  Practice using open-ended questions that give other people a real chance to speak.

from Tonic Magazine, Issue 20

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Girls' Brigade Supporters Club

What is one, what do they do, what should they be, and how does this fit in with Girls' Brigade??  Are all questions you might be asking.

"Supporters groups or supporters clubs are independent fan clubs... Supporters' groups in Europe are generally known as Ultras which derives from the Latin word deriving from ultrā, meaning beyond in English, with the implication that their enthusiasm is 'beyond' the normal.... Supporters' groups and ultras are renowned for their fanatical vocal support in large groups, defiance of the authorities and the display of banners at stadiums, which are used to create an atmosphere which intimidates opposing players and supporters, as well as encouraging their own team."
Wikipedia supporters clubs do seem to be a bit sports orientated.  Maybe Alumni would suit Girls' Brigade better...

"An alumnus (masculine, plural 'alumni') or alumna (feminine, plural 'alumnae') is a graduate of a school, college, or university.  An alumnus can also be a former member, employee, contributor, or inmate, as well as a former student.  If a group includes both sexes, even if there is only one male, the male plural form alumni is used."

It does seem not many know much about the GB Supporters Club - so we hope to change this next year!!  If you were going to be a part of any supporters club what would you want in return for your support?

From the GBNZ website:

GB New Zealand is now providing a special opportunity for people to remember and support Girls' Brigade in New Zealand.

Maybe you were once a Girls' Brigader or you had someone close to you who greatly benefited from being involved in Girls' Brigade. For only a small membership fee paid once a year, you can become a part of a growing community of people online who remember and support Girls' Brigade.

GB Supporters members
are kept up-to-date with GB through the GB Supporters magazine.
have a say in how their financial support is used.
can choose from several ways of supporting GB.

The GB Supporters Club provides
funds for tasks which have no other source of funding e.g. fieldwork.
prayer and practical support.
publicity for GB.
a network to keep in touch with other GB Supporters.

The membership fee is only twenty ($20.00) New Zealand dollars paid once a year.
How to become a Member:
Please Contact GB Support Centre to join the GB Supporters.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Random(ish) Acts of Kindness

So I know we only finished GB for the year last night, but I'm already starting to think about next year!  And being on the GB Programme Team means for me that if I'm going to prepare a badge subject for our company I might as well do it properly, test it, and send it out nationally.

I really believe that as a company we do not do enough service in our local community, which is silly really because as well as helping our community it is great publicity.  The thing that always stops me is memories of a girl singing songs at Rest Homes - I think retirement homes can be quite scary as a kid - plus if you know me I don't really like singing!

Trying to think of something to do for up to 6 weeks as a service idea seemed hard to me, and this got me thinking along the lines of random acts of kindness - simple things to brighten someone's day.  And I thought actually I/we could do that!!

  • Take cookies or muffins and a signed card to the local police or fire station, to say thank you for the awesome work they do.
  • Make cards or craft and take to retirement centre - ask the manager to give them out to people who might like them to brighten their day.
  • Collect food items and drop them off at City Mission or foodbank.
  • Make cards and/or gifts and drop them off in surrounding neighbours letterboxes.
  • Make some muffins and drop them off to the local librarian.
  • Clean up at a local park.
  • Collect unused toys from the girls and donate them to Starship, doctors, womens refuge etc
  • Pray!
  • Plant a tree.
  • Love your church, make or do something for your church.
  • Secret Santa...or secret gb friend?
  • Cross a generation - have a grandparents night
  • Create a thank you gift for someone, or create a thankyou chart/craft to show everything the girls are thankful for.

So the challenge is on, I would like to see if we can do as many GB subjects for 2014 as possible with the idea of serving our local community - lets get out there!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - What Now?

After the Prayer Wave 2013, what now? 
“Pray without ceasing” is what we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5 : 17. Just because our GB International World Day of Prayer is over, that is no reason for us to stop praying. There are so many opportunities for us to use the Prayer Wave booklet and to continue to keep our worldwide GB family in our prayers along after the 10th June 2013.
Have you joined the Girls’ Brigade Prayer Wave on Facebook? Remember you can share stories of answered prayer on there at any time.

Please continue to pray for:
  • The Gathering 2013, in Cape Town, South Africa from the 7 – 14 December 2013. 
  • International Conference of Girls’ Brigade (ICGB), Perth, Australia 9-16 July 2014. 
  • For God’s faithfulness, for all that He has already done through GB, and pray that He continues to bless and direct our paths. 
  • Using this prayer resource, continue to pray for specific prayer requests in each Fellowship. 
  • The “ Plan Organisation” works to provide girls with an opportunity to shape their own lives.  Their campaign aims to remove the barriers that prevent girls from getting a quality education. With an education, a girl can transform her world and the world around her.  They want to ensure that girls have choices – about school, careers and who and when they marry etc. 

Other ideas:
  • Have an international night focusing on a country in one of the Fellowships. Dress up, sing songs, learn a dance, hear about the country’s customs and culture. Have a time of prayer focusing on the prayer requests in the resource, and conclude the evening in the sharing of food relevant to that country. 
  • Create prayer stations around the Church on a company night using the ideas in the resource. Maybe you could invite Church members to join in also and spread the word about the GB International family. 
  • Create a prayer calendar where weekly you pray for the work of Plan or for GB work in specific countries or Fellowships. 

Justice ACTS Statistics: 

  • There are 27 million victims of modern day slavery. 
  • Two to four million people are victims of trafficking at any given time. 
  • There are 1.2 million children trafficked every year, with most victims being girls between 5-15 years of age (UNICEF) 
  • Trafficking in persons is a global business that makes US$7-10 billion each year. 
  • Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world. 
  • There are 12.3 million adults and children in forced labour, bonded labour, and forced prostitution around the world. 
  • The prevalence of trafficking victims in the world is 1.8 : 1000 people. In Asia and Pacific region that figure is 3 : 1000. 
Write a prayer or post a comment on Justice ACTS Facebook encouraging them in the work they are doing

The power of Prayer:

Justice ACTS Prayer Initiative – a touching story:

The Story of the Justice Doll…
It all began in 2007, when I watched a video called ‘To You with Love.’ This was a story of three women, bravely exposing their HIV+ status and the effects it had on them as individuals, on their families and communities.

The youngest woman, Nomonde , a twenty-six year-old, griped my heart. She spoke of her life of poverty, shame, hopelessness and wanting to literally die. I was moved with compassion knowing the facts about living well with HIV.   I saw strength, courage, and above all a life God valued. I also, just “happened” to be headed to South Africa to minister in the exact township Nomonde lived in, Masiphumelele. Of course, I knew this was no coincidence; this was my personal mandate from the Lord to find Nomonde.

My journey began as I made contact with Media Village, who helped me locate Nomande living in a dilapidated shack. Although, there was great joy in finding her, my joy soon turned into sorrow. Within two weeks, Nomande was forced out of her shack, unable to pay the rent. She was truly without shelter, food, family, and was very sick, not having the ARV medication necessary for living with HIV. Nomonde was hopelessness and without a friend to turn to.

We began to pray for God to open doors. Quickly, Nomande found temporary housing, which led us to a small 10x10 area where she could put a shack. In two weeks we raised the money to build her a shack. Her daughter, seven, was reunited with her and all the glory was given to the Lord, Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of a friendship that would continue. God had greater plans than we knew or understood.

Nomonde began to sew and earn a little extra money, but not enough to meet her basic needs. Yet, she had a strong will and believed God would provide for her. During this time Justice ACTs was just in its beginnings. During prayer, I received a vision of a beaded doll representing and bringing awareness to Human Trafficking. Although the doll seemed a simple project, it became increasingly hard. Trying to find materials, quality workmanship, and trust worthy workers in South Africa seemed impossible.

Then, the Lord gave me a strategy. The Justice doll would become a job creation program for woman with HIV+ in the township. Nomonde would become the master craftsman for the Justice doll. It was God. It was perfect. She had a love for design and fabrics, was trust worthy, and wanted to provide the basic needs of her family.

Nomonde has been making the Justice doll for one year, and even has brought on two other women to work with her. The Justice Doll is a simple, but powerful tool that reflects the heart of God for Human Trafficking and gives hope to the hopeless living with HIV. Thousands of dolls have been sold across the globe. A simple prayer time and simple project in the hands of God can became more than I could have asked or imagined.

The tag on The Justice Doll reminds us Human Trafficking is modern day slavery. It’s not just statistics but someone’s wife, daughter, sister or mother. Together we can set Justice Free.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 7 & 8pm Caribbean-Americas

Mission: Divided by Seas, but United in Christ in the mission of encouraging regional cooperation and advancement of Brigade for the transformation of the lives of Girls and enrichment of the world around us, by being deliberate BEES for Christ in Building, Equipping, Extending and Serving in Christ’s kingdom.

Bible Verses:
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Psalms 61:1 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. 

  • Healing for Sis Ivy Curry (10th Nassau company president) had a stroke 
  • Rev. Dr. Hervis Bain Jr., Senior minister of St. John Baptist Church is not doing well 
  • Strength and encouragement for officers and God will impart wisdom and knowledge needed to lead the girls 
  • Lorraine is campaigning for treasurer for Bahamas Union of Teachers on June 11th 2013 
  • Success for girls in their school work and at the same time be excited to attend GB 
  • Peace and love among all people 
  • Congregation at Remnant Tabernacle of Praise and Helen Roll on death of pastor and husband 

  • Family members 
  • Success in exams 
  • Continued economic stability in the Virgin Islands 
  • Continued growth in GB internationally 

  • Caribbean Americas Fellowship (CAF) camp in July 
  • Girls across CAF to attend camp and seek to spread Christ love throughout the world 
  • GB Cayman to be further strengthened so they can reach out to serve more persons with the commitment and encourage more girls to join. 

  • For officers to remain committed and encouraged to our aim of helping Girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
  • For the physical and emotional safety of our boys and girls. 
  • The many girls’ lives past and present who have changed through the work of Girls’ Brigade. 
  • Those companies who are struggling for leadership. 
  • For a headquarters for GB Jamaica 
  • For our country as we go through difficult times. 

  • Kindly pray for ten (10) recruits, who will become full members of the 7th St. Vincent Company at Calliaqua on Sunday, 21st April, 2013. 
  • Students who will be writing examinations. 

  • Continued revival of dormant companies especially the work of 1st Saint Martin 
  • Encouragement and strength for the leaders as they continue to serve and reach out to new girls 
  • Girls will be drawn to GB understanding that the program provides a safe environment. 
  • Pray for a great revival in Girls’ Brigade because the fields are white and the labourers are few. 
  • Committed leaders. 

  • Growth in companies 
  • Addition of committed officers and workers 
  • Strength and wisdom for captain & officers 
  • Success for girls sitting exams 
  • Revival of dormant companies and addition of new companies 
  • Peace in our land 
  • New ideas to be birthed from companies 

  • Leaders will receive renewed vision and zeal 
  • Aim to be fulfilled in the lives of more of our girls 
  • God will open up doors as we seek to spread GB throughout the USA 
  • Minister and parents will understand and willingly support the program of GB 

  • Building – stronger inter country bridges in greater exchange and fellowship and renewed connections 
  • Equipping – girls, young leaders, officers and member countries through Camps & Regional Conferences, Youth Empowerment Programs and resources. 
  • Extending – our reach within existing member countries and regionally by outreach to un-chartered paths. 
  • Serving – our member countries in continued community service and adopting families on the edge. 

Hand around a bag of jelly beans. Ask the girls to hold their sweet and reflect on all the people of the world—different colours, different creeds and different needs. Identify some of the current needs of the world such as famine, earthquake, war etc. Ask the girls to close their eyes and eat their sweets as you commit these people to God.

Send my Sister to School. Share this You Tube clip with your girls

Class of 2015 was launched at the UN in September 2008. The class brings together celebrities, world leaders and activists to ensure that Education for All becomes a reality.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 6pm Europe Fellowship

Info. Bubbles: 
  • Pray for GB in Kosova and Romania. 
  • GB Europe has 1,175 companies and is encouraging, discipling and showing God’s love to over 54,000 girls and young women on a weekly basis. 

  • Praise God for the incredible commitment of ten girls from 1st Gjakova Company who have asked to receive Jesus this year. Please pray that they stay strong and dedicated to Jesus, really follow Him and be good examples to others girls, so others choose to accept Him too. 
  • Pray for us as leaders that we keep seeking God’s will as to how to lead GB here in Kosova. 
  • Also, that God will continue to bring new girls in to GB, so that they can hear about the love of Jesus in this place. 

  • In July and August 2013, over 30 ladies from across the UK will serve on mission teams in Kosova. They will be networked together as gurgling springs in dry places, restoring hope for life. Pray for safe travel, good health and that they would feel transformed by their experiences. 
  • Pray that they will feel the love of their Heavenly Father and know that He is with them in every eventuality as they share their faith, skills and gifts during their trip. 
  • Please pray for Diana and Mike who will lead the teams and thank God for their love of Kosova and of the Lord. Bless them as they spend their summer sharing with the teams and caring for those around them. 
  • And also pray that the widows will feel blessed by the gifts which the FIZZ teams distribute and will realise that God has not forgotten them, even in their sadness. 

For more up-to-date info, photos and stories on the FIZZ Project check out the GB Europe Connected Blog and the FIZZ updates Facebook page.

Girl Facts........
I will be expected to shoulder the burden of household labour compared to my brothers. Across the world, girls spend between 33 and 85 per cent more time on unpaid care work than boys (Plan).

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 5pm Europe Fellowship

Bible Verse: 
Isaiah 58 : 9 MSG
I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places- firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community liveable again.

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in England & Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland. 
  • GB Europe has an annual fellowship weekend and it is being held in June in Northern Ireland.  Pray for safe travel for the ladies who are travelling from across the U.K. to the venue. Pray that their passion for Him will shine brightly this weekend and that they will know they have been ‘Made to Make a Difference’ by Him. 

  • Please pray for the leadership of GBNI as they seek God’s guidance in leading the organisation. 
  • Thank God for our many volunteers who work tirelessly on the ground with our girls being Godly role models and enabling them to Seek, Serve and Follow Christ in their everyday lives. 
  • Thank God for the many girls who attend Girls’ Brigade weekly throughout Northern Ireland and how God is using the organisation to speak into thousands of girls’ lives. Pray the Lord would increase our territory and give us opportunities to open new companies and increase our membership so that His Kingdom may be extended. 

  • Thank God for everyone who gives their time to GBS and that God will empower the young leaders in the organisation. 
  • As GBS makes changes to modernise the organisation, pray that we will be firmly routed in Christ and guided by God’s hand. 

  • As GB celebrates 120 years, GBEW groups are being challenged to connect with more children and young people as well as celebrating. Pray for those organising outreach events, bring a friend parties, reunions etc. and for the children, young people and parents who will hear about GB for the first time. 

  • Pray for all our new leaders who were commissioned during this session. 
  • We have just started the new Government Quality Standards Framework for Youth Work in January, may God guide us as we work through all the paperwork that they require. 
  • Pray for the Girls’ Brigade in Ireland during these difficult times in our country.

Find a photo of someone in your life whose faith has really inspired you. Perhaps it could be someone you know from Girls’ Brigade. Put the photo somewhere where you will see it often. Every time you look at the photo, stop and thank God for who that person is, what that person means to you, and who God is constantly forming that person to become. Pray that God, who started this great work in them, will keep their passion and energy alive for Him and that their faith will continue to inspire you and be the blessing that it has been so far in your life.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 4pm Your Company

Bible Verse: 
1 Peter 5:2-3
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 

What better time than in this our 120th year of GB mission is there to focus on our Leaders. Give thanks to God for past and present leaders who have given so much of their time and energy as they work with the girls in your company. Pray that God will continue to bless them as they further His work.  Pray for empowerment, training and nurturing of younger leaders that they will be given opportunities to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge as they step up to leadership roles within GB.

Pray for the girls in your company that they may come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and friend. Pray for the families of your girls, especially those who do not attend church.  Pray that they would see how God is working through their child’s involvement in GB.

Pray that the link between your GB family and the Church will be strengthened. Pray that leaders in your church feel a greater sense of the potential of GB as a mission field to families in the local community. Pray for encouragement and a strengthened support network from your church to allow your company to grow.

Birthday cakes are usually part of a celebration, and in this our 120th year of GB Mission, there could be hundreds of cakes being cut all around the world as we celebrate our 120th birthday. While praying for your GB Company, the Chaplain, leaders, girls, parents and the Church, spend some time focusing also on the needs of children around the world. Sadly many children die before their fifth birthday and nearly all these children’s lives could have been saved with some simple measures i.e. regular health checks, mosquito nets that can stop malaria, good food to stop malnutrition, vaccination programmes etc.

Prepare a 120th celebration birthday cake. (You may like to do this previous to the prayer day and let the girls’ ice and decorate it).
Put four candles on the cake (or as many as you want) and as you light each candle, pray for something specific e.g.
  • For children born today that they will grow up healthy and cared for and have someone to love them. 
  • Thank God for parents and other adults who care for children? Pray that they would have love, wisdom and resources to be good carers. 
  • Pray that children around the world will have the opportunity to grow as Jesus did – Luke 2 : 52. 
  • Pray for your company and all of its members, your Church, and your community for transformation and lives enriched through Christ Jesus. 
You can add other prayer points.

Write a thank you on the Prayer Wave Facebook page for someone who has touched your life and made a difference.
OR Share a few words on the Prayer Wave Facebook page stating how God has transformed you through Girls’ Brigade.

Girl Facts:
  • When girls reach puberty, many will face an increased threat of abuse and violence, including sexual harassment, incest and female genital mutilation. This can result in both physical and mental trauma, loss of self-esteem and leave them vulnerable to HIV and death in pregnancy and childbirth. 
  • 150 million girls under 18 have experienced rape or other forms of sexual violence 
  • 140 million women and girls are living with the consequences of Female Genital Mutilation 
  • Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death for girls aged 15-19 in the world’s poorest countries

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 3pm Africa

Bible Verse: 
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for Kenya, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Malawi, Uganda and Botswana 
  • Pray for leaders in GB Africa, pray for the International President, the Fellowship Chairperson and leaders of the member countries. 
  • Pray for girls and the extension work in GB Africa. 

Tanzania is running a project for 20 girls teaching them sewing and handcraft.
The girls are also being thought English and Bible lessons on Christian life. Pray for the success of this project and also for the facilitators.

Pray that God will raise more ladies in doing the work of GB in these countries. Pray for finances in running G.B projects.

Write a prayer for each member country on sheets of paper. Join the papers using pins to form a close chain. This symbolizes togetherness.

Post a prayer online for GB Africa on our Face book well wisher wall.

Girl Facts:
  • In many communities, girls lack access to food and medical care because they are valued less than boys.  This means that globally, girls are more likely to die before their fifth birthday. 
  • One in five girls globally is denied a secondary education. Poverty forces many families to choose which of their children to send to school. Girls miss out on education due to a mistaken belief it’s of less value. Instead, they are sent to work or made to stay at home to look after siblings and work on household chores.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 2pm Africa

Bible Verse: 
Isaiah 43: 18 & 19 “Do not remember the former things neither consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” 

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in Zambia , Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ghana. 
  • Pray for the leaders in these countries for God’s wisdom in leading their National Girls’ Brigade to new heights. 

The use of a drug called ‘Tik’ is a problem in S.A, it claiming the lives of youth. Also rape and violence against women has become the order of the day. Pray that God will keep our girls free and safe.  South Africa is hosting the 2013 world girl’s camp – Gathering 2013. Pray for the success of the camp.

GB Nigeria is blessed with women and girls willing to do God’s work. Pray for strength and will power to do more and reach other parts of the country that GB is yet to be established in.  Pray for finance to raise a National office building and other projects.

GB Zambia runs a project for teenage mothers who seek to go back to school. Pray that this project will be achieved and sustained.

Write the names of active member countries in a circle, then write the names of non-active countries outside the circle. Using a prayer, write in a straight line connecting an active country to a non- active country,that God will integrate them into the circle.

To know more about the position of women worldwide,checkout this international website for Plan.

Girl Facts:
  • Every year 10 million girls are forced or coerced into marriage. 
  • One in every three girls in the developing world is married by the age of 18.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 1pm Asia

Bible Verse: 
Romans 1:14, 15 “I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and unwise. So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.” 

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. 
  • Pray for the National Officers of GBAF that they may continually be gripped by the gospel and live and preach it without wavering. 
  • Pray for girls and the extension work in GB Asia. 
  • Pray for the GBI President’s Committee which will meet together in the Kuala Lumpur in July 2013 – pray that God will bless their meetings with fruitfulness. 

Praise God for the successful events from National Exco to Drill Camps. Praise God for the service of the Officers and the faithfulness of the girls in different parts of the country.
Pray for peace and order situation in Sabah. May God put an end to this turmoil on this region.
Please pray also for the next GBAF meeting in July, to be visited by the International President, Ruth Chikasa.
Pray for the following events: Pray for travelling mercy and a fruitful meeting.
  • International Presidents Committee meeting in Kuala Lumpur from 22 to 26 July 2013. 
  • GBAF meeting will be on 26 to 27 July, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur also. 
  • GB Malaysia 75th Thanksgiving Anniversary will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 27th July, 2013. 
  • 56th GB Malaysia Annual General Meeting will be on 28th July 2013. 

Praise God for the 85th Anniversary celebration of GB Singapore last 2012. Pray for continued faithfulness of the GB Officers and girls – desiring to make a difference in their community in small or big ways.

Praise God for the GB work that is continually being used by God to reach the community through the lives of young men and women who are ministered to. Praise God for the success of ‘Love Project” that brought winter caps and blankets to some tribes of Thailand. Please pray for continues guidance and wisdom on how to go about the different works in Thailand.

List top three countries that you would want to visit in Asia. Then, think of ways on how you can make an eternal impact to that country that you would want to visit. Put it in your bucket list

Like the GBAsia Member countries FB pages: 

Girl Facts:
  • Girls’ primary school completion rates are below 50% in most poor countries. 
  • Gender inequality continues to permeate all sectors of society, from health and education to politics, employment and culture.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 12 noon Asia

Bible Verse: 
Isaiah 61: 1- 3 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor... They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour.”

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in Hong Kong, Philippines and Thailand. 
  • Pray for GBAF Executive Officers. May God continue to grant them wisdom in the different decisions they make and activities that are to be coordinated in the whole region. 
  • Pray for the display of God’s splendour in whole of Asia through different churches and organizations, especially GB. 

Officers and Girls’ involvement is unstable because they are encountering different kinds of difficulties and challenges during their life span, e.g. study and career management, faith struggles and so on.

Please pray for GBHK to stand firm on the mission to serve girls and women by:
  • Seeking God’s wisdom to tackle the rapid change of world. 
  • Seeking God’s strength to witness His grace and love. 
  • Depending on God’s faithfulness as we seek to become His followers who persevere. 

BGB Philippines is booming with membership in the different regions of the country. However, the archipelago setting posts a great challenge of unity in truth and love. Different national events are about to shape the future of this country as well.

Please pray for:
  • National Election held on May 13. That there was wisdom and discernment for the Filipino people as they voted for senators and other government officials. 
  • “Sangpulo”... a national fellowship camp to celebrate God’s faithfulness in BGB 10th anniversary. Please pray for all preparations and coordination. 

Get a map of the world or of your continent. Place a star on the countries where GB is present and active and put a heart on the countries that do not have GB yet, especially those countries where the preaching of the gospel is not welcome. Thank God for the ‘stars’ and ask Him to make your heart beat for the ‘hearts’.

To be encouraged on how God is using the gospel to change lives of women, visit

Girl Facts:
For many girls, reaching puberty can be the first step towards a forced marriage. They will be taken out of school, isolated from their friends and forced into marriage and motherhood when they are still children themselves. One in seven girls in the developing world will be married before they are 15, some as young as five years old.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 11am Pacific

Bible Verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

  • Pray for the recently trained leaders that opportunities arise to start forming GB companies and sharing GB to new girls. 
  • Pray for our National Fonomarae 
  • Pray for our Leaders’ Training this year in December in the New Guinea Islands Region. 
  • Pray for more GB volunteers to arise within our regions. 
  • Pray for the Young Leaders that they will be focused and passionate about GB. 
  • Pray to keep the passion of mentoring young women alive. 
  • Pray that God will show us creative ways to show awareness and raise funds for GB 
  • Pray that GB will remain strong in God’s Word. 
  • Thank God for the doors that are already open and we pray for more doors to be open for GB 

  • Pray for the 120 years anniversary programmes that the Solomon Islands will celebrate. 
  • Pray for GB in Namoabu, Malaita Province and the newly formed Company there. 
  • Pray that other Churches in the Islands will start GB in their local congregations. 
  • Pray for all GB Leaders in the Solomon Islands and the work they do. 
  • Pray for those attending the training courses in the different Regions 
  • Pray for the National Commissioner as she travels throughout the Solomon’s providing training and supporting the leaders. 

  • Pray for Tuvalu as they deal with the effects of global warming on their islands. 
  • For encouragement of those currently leading GB 
  • For opportunities to further the work of GB in Tuvalu 

Pass around a bubble wand and bubble liquid allowing each girl in turn to blow their bubbles as a symbolic way of sending their prayers to God.

Share the link for the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page with another GB friend and remind them to join in...

Girl Facts: 
Gender-based violence causes more deaths and disabilities among women worldwide, aged 15-44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war, and three million women across the UK experience rape, domestic violence, trafficking, forced marriage or other violence each year.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 10am Pacific

Bible Verse:
Proverbs 16:3
“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.”

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in all Pacific Countries. 
  • Pray for the International Vice President and Vice Chairperson of the Fellowship. 
  • Pray for the many leaders who volunteer their time every week, to run GB in their countries, enriching, supporting, nurturing and challenging the lives of the young girls they work with. 
  • Pray for an impartation of God’s Love on the Churches, Leaders and Girls involved in GB 
  • Pray for an increase of members and leadership within these countries so that the Kingdom of God may grow abundantly. 

  • Pray for the 2014 Fonomare. For the committee and planning that is being undertaken, for the girls and leaders that are preparing to attend. 
  • Pray for the ICGB planning committee both in Australia and Internationally who are working hard to prepare this event for 2014 

  • Pray for the National Annual General Meeting held in late June for openness, understanding, guidance and leadership as GB moves forward for the future. 
  • Pray for the planning and organisation of the 85th Birthday celebrations of GB in NZ to be held 19th & 20th October 2013. 
  • Pray for an increase in the membership for GBNZ. 
  • Pray for IFG - that God will wise up the leaders that he has chosen for IFG Units where the Churches have indicated that they would like to have this ministry in their church. 

  • Pray for the work of GB in American Samoa and a revival of interest amongst the girls. 
  • Pray that God will show the Church as a whole the need for GB, as there is so many social problems concerning the girls 

  • Pray for the growing of girls in our organisation both in numbers and spiritually. 

  • To be able to travel to the outer islands providing encouragement and training to leaders. 
  • Finances to enable further work to be done. 

  • Pray for the revival of GB in Tonga 
  • For encouragement to those currently leading GB. 
  • For improved communication and networking.

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 9am GB International

Bible Verse:
John 14:13-14 

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

Info Bubbles: 
  • Thank God for the vision of Ms Margaret Lyttle who established GB in 1893. 
  • Praise God for the opportunities GB has had since then, to minister to girls and young women all around the world. 
  • Pray for the 120 year celebrations happening worldwide. 
  • Pray for all those involved in sharing the GB vision of  “Girls’ lives transformed, God’s world enriched”. 
  • Pray that God will identify further opportunities for our GB Ministry.

  • Please pray for the GBSA team and u30s global planning team who are working hard to create The Gathering 2013, an event to celebrate 120 years of GB’s mission and ministry. 
  • Give thanks for 100 young women from across the world who are going to participate in this amazing event. Pray that they will achieve their fundraising targets and for safe journeys to Cape Town. 
  • Pray that each individual will be transformed from the INSIDE OUT through attending The Gathering. Pray that they will have fun, discover faith, explore their giftings and be empowered to live life to the full. 
  • Check out the following link 

  • Pray for the Australian ICGB Planning Team who is meeting monthly to plan this event. 
  • Pray that finances will be available so that delegates from ALL GB countries have the opportunity to attend. 
  • Pray that the spiritual journey of each person attending is strengthened. 
  • Pray that workshops will encourage and equip leaders in their GB mission. 

Girl Facts:
  • Girls need to learn so that they are empowered to make their own decisions, find employment if they choose, and eventually bring up their own children to be healthy and educated. 
  • Easy access to clean water is a great bonus for communities, especially for the girls and women whose job it is to collect water. A well or pump in the village or town means that girls spend less time in the back-breaking labour of fetching water.

Write a prayer or message on “The Gathering 2013” Facebook page!/GBIGathering2013

Girls' Brigade Week - 8th - 15th June 2013

Girls' Brigade week is upon us!

We've already started out celebrations with a West Auckland Area church parade and sleepover at Westgate Baptist on the Friday evening through to Saturday morning. A fabulous service, an awesome speaker (Raewyn), and fun action songs (Megan). Thanks to the planning by Veronica, piano by Val, and the readings and prayers by the girls. Then we all got into our PJ's and watched 'Another Cinderella Story' with Selina Gomez, and when it had some supper and danced around. Heaps of fun! A great breakfast in the morning, thanks Dorothy.

This week the Pt. Chev company is having a big birthday party on Wednesday and a celebration service on Sunday to show all the things they have learnt and have been preparing for this very special week.

The 10th June is also the Girls' Brigade International Day of Prayer...and if you come back to this blog from 9am and then every hour onwards you'll find guidance on praying for all our Girls' Brigades around the world...and not only that to pray for girls everywhere.

Reflection 1: Girls' Brigade 120 years 

From Asia:
The year is 478 B.C. A young Jewish girl named Haddaseh is crowned as the new queen of King Ahasuerus of Persia. Imagine a young woman, an orphan raised by her uncle, a member of an exiled people, crowned as queen of Persia! Unthinkable, but God works in mysterious ways. Five years later, the Israelite people are threatened with extermination. The death of her whole people and here is Queen Esther. She alone has the power to stop the plans of Haman, but she must risk her own life for the lives of her people. After much prayer and fasting, Queen Esther is able to go before the king uninvited, and the rest is history.
Now, the year is 2013. Young and old, Asian, American, African, European, girls from the Pacific and Caribbean, united by the organization that is the Girls Brigade. In the world of these girls, there are many influences that could undermine their discovery of faith and stand in the way of the work to which God has called this GB. Poverty, hunger, lack of education, discrimination, peer pressure, materialism and the increasing sexualisation of girls: all rage around these women of God. United as they are through Girls' Brigade they are, however, in the position to stand in the gap, to fight as warrior princesses for the faith of others in their nations. With the power of prayer, these modern-day Esther’s are ready to take up the fight and go on behalf of their King. When He hears their prayers, the wonders He will do in and through them will forever be remembered in history.
In all our giving – whether it is time, money, effort, talents and abilities – may we always remember that it is deeply anchored in the character of God. He is the first One who gave wholly, generously, and willingly and because He gave, it is possible for us to give. He creates opportunities upon opportunities for us to do those good works (Ephesians 2:10). He enables us to do them and, sometimes, He even allows us to witness the fruit of those good works. Therefore, ‘for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things… to Him be the glory forever! Amen. (Romans 11:36)
Virene A. Azarcon (Officer) and Karin Shana Bangsoy (Young Leader)
From Africa:
Matthew 16:24 reads: “Then Jesus said to his disciples,’’those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their cross and follow me.”
Are there times when you feel tired. fed-up and feeling you would like to give up?. Following Christ while in our comfort zone is always easy and fun. But for us to show our love for Him, we must be ready to follow Him during good and bad times. We may have to sacrifice a lot and deny ourselves some privileges so as to do that which He desires of us.
GB worldwide is taking time out to pray and walk for girls. Why not deny ourselves of the comfort our houses, leisure time and may be food, to demonstrate our love for God and for GB. This is that time of the year where we connect with our sisters and friends all over the world.
Let the fun begin, let it out, say a prayer, shout aloud and speak for girls. Prayerwave/walkathon
2013,we walk by faith.
Ruth Morris.

From Europe: 

Everyone loves to celebrate! Celebrations evoke memories of happy, joyful times. In 2013, Girls’ Brigade is celebrating its 120th year of ministry, ‘Girls’ lives transformed, God’s world enriched! As we join in celebrating the mighty God we serve, we are raising up our hands in praise, thanksgiving and unity in Christ. We are getting on our knees to pray for our sisters across the world and the issues that girls face in 2013, knowing that our Heavenly Father calls us to love others and reach out by sharing His unending love. And we are shining our lights in the area that God has placed us, walking to raise awareness and celebrate Girls’ Brigade. ‘We walk by faith, not by sight.’ 2 Corinthians 5:7.
Celebrations also evoke thoughts towards the future and what is next. Today many people are filled with worry about these things; they want to know clearly what is in their future. It is true that none of us know what tomorrow holds, but we know the God of love who holds our tomorrow and our future. To focus on 2 Corinthians 5:7 as we walk through our 120th year is a great goal to pursue.  This verse, ‘We walk by faith not by sight’ comes from a passage where Paul is explaining our temporal home and describes these as earth and the body. He’s comparing it to the incredible hope of living in heaven with God one day and how amazing it will be. Paul sympathises with how difficult this can be to expect based on our earthly troubles, and circumstances. But we know that Jesus never promised that to follow Him would be easy, that we would be without problems and troubles.  But what He did promise was strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a life in its fullness.  So we can travel through our unknown knowing love, hope and with a hand out to God – the best light that will shine through the darkness.
So let’s celebrate our 120th year and let our confidence for all that is to come, be in our amazing Heavenly Father.
Jayne Ruddock.

Reflection 2: Prayer Wave 2013 theme. 
2 Corinthians 5 : 7 “For we walk by faith not by sight”
From Asia: 

We live in a world of warring principalities, of black and white, good and evil. Yet rarely are these two so separate, so defined. We see a world of different shades of grey, where candles, lamps, and torches shine in a myriad of different intensities. Some shine and are suddenly put out, extinguished by the ever-present, ever-growing darkness. Some are little more than a feeble spark.  Some are just flashes of brilliance, yet others are the strong, vibrant light that leads others to the right path.

Eyes can deceive. What we see is a confusion of our mind, a result of the war around us. Different views and perspectives are what tear friendships apart, destroy the ties that bind, break down trust and ruin reputations. What we think we know only brings out more of what we do not know.  Eventually, the war turns inside, the raging roar of mind against reality, the struggle to really define for ourselves what the truth is. Rarely do we look inside our hearts, to search for the reservoir of faith that comes from our Heavenly Father. For it is faith that tells us what is true even though our eyes see deceit. It is faith that tells us we can move mountains even though our eyes see insurmountable odds. It is faith that tells us to keep loving, even though our eyes see only hate. It is faith that tells us to keep reaching out, even when our eyes see only loneliness. It is faith that tells us to keep hoping, keep dreaming, even when our eyes tell of a bleak future ahead.  It is faith in God alone that will be our guide, even when our eyes can no longer see.
It is walking by faith that will enable us to overcome every difficulty, every challenge that will come our way – distance, communication, culture, etc. It is faith that will bind us together in love as we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and authorities. It is faith that will enable us to hold on to the truth that Christ has overcome the world and thus we can take heart. It is faith that will keep us walking amidst all uncertainties because we have a God who is certain.

As we join hands, it is also by faith that we bind our hearts for the glory of God to be displayed
amongst the Girls in the world.

From Africa: 

It is always easier to believe and trust what we have seen and handled. We sit comfortably on a chair because we believe it can carry our weight, and since we have tried it over and over we have come to trust it.
2Corinthians 5:7 “it is what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going” (MSG).
God is calling GB worldwide to trust him to activate their faith as He takes the lead. We might not have seen any glimmer of hope, but we need to keep moving on. 
Lets walk in faith believing God to bring His light through GB to girls around the world.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Local Volunteer Centre

40. Register with your Local Volunteer Centre

The key to successful marketing is sending the right message, to the right people, at the right time. If you’re trying to market for more volunteers, then the Volunteer Centre can send that message on your behalf. Better still, they will be sending the message to people who are actually interested in what you have to offer. You can find contact details for your local Volunteer Centre at

Sunday, 31 March 2013


Acts 10:34-43 
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:19-26 
John 20:1-18 (or Luke 24:1-12)

If you've ever watched an action film, you’ll know the basic plotline: Life is fine, bad guy turns up, hero saves the world, life is fine again. These stories always feature spectacular near misses. When everything is hopeless for the good guys, the hero arrives, dodges a bullet and saves the day.

The story of Jesus’ death and resurrection however, is not about an heroic near miss. Jesus doesn't dodge a bullet, he dies.

Jesus’ death is the end of a world, the end of a story. It is an ending that had to happen, in order to make way for the ‘new thing’ God had in store for Creation. (1 Corinthians 15:22) So in order to make space for the new life that God is gifting us in Jesus, we must be willing to let the old life die. Instead of near misses and last minute rescues, during Lent God calls us into surrender and obedience. It is a holy ‘letting go’, the end of life as we know it.

And this death is not without grief. We hear in Mary Magdalene’s words at the tomb that she has lost everything that mattered. “Why are you crying?” they ask her. “They have taken my Lord away...” (John 18:13-14)

Surrounded by her discarded dreams, she doesn't even know where to find God anymore. It is the end of her world. And it’s an ending that needs to happen for all of us too, an ending that Lent invites us to greet so that God’s new life might have room to grow in us.

And when we have let go of everything the bringer of life will come and find us, just like he found Mary in that garden, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Rev Malcolm Gordon

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Stage a Publicity Stunt

39. Stage a Publicity Stunt

Nothing says publicity like a crazy stunt which starts people talking. I’m not suggesting your publicity stunt has to be dangerous or offensive, just something a little brave or clever. The best stunts are those that people can easily relate back to your organisation such as:

A kilometre of bras tied together along a public walkway (Breast Cancer Support)
An attempt at the Worlds Biggest Painting (Arts and Education Centre)
Living in a Cardboard Box for a Weekend (Fight Poverty Campaigns)

Sunday, 24 March 2013


Liturgy of the Palms - Luke 19:28-40, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Liturgy of the Passion - Luke 23:1-49

This account of Jesus’ final hours describes an utterly chaotic mess marked by a feverish din of voices. Pilate, Herod, religious leaders, the mob – all raising their voices in increasing anger and frustration in an attempt to get their way. Pilate’s voice is heard as he becomes deeply disturbed by the obvious injustice of it all and increasingly worried by the growing power of the crowd. Herod’s voice is heard as he becomes excited by it all in that he finally has an audience with Jesus but frustrated that Jesus doesn't entertain him. The religious leaders’ voices become desperate in demanding that Jesus is sentenced to death. The crowd’s voice becomes ever louder as they call for Barabbas’ release and Jesus’ crucifixion. Then as Jesus hangs on the Cross, the voices continue to mock and taunt him; the leaders, the soldiers and one of the criminals on the cross.

Yet through the tumult of voices – as Luke’s account comes nearer to the moment of Jesus’ death – the violent voices seem to be drowned out by one Voice. Through all the evil static an astounding clear Voice can be heard. Comforting the grieving women (Luke 23:28-41); forgiving the offender (Luke 23:34); promising the condemned (Luke 23:43); demonstrating unbelievable trust (Luke 23:46).

What are the voices surrounding and deafening your world today? What violence and injustice are being called for? What taunts are wounding your soul? What are the destructive voices that are so extraordinarily powerful around you?


Read Luke 23:1-49 again and listen to the voice of Jesus in this account. Listen as his suffering, death and love silence them!

Rev Dr Geoff New

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Collaborate on Advertising

38. Collaborate on Advertising

Advertising of any sort can be expensive, but by collaborating with like-minded organisations you can lessen the expense and increase the impact. Consider joining with other organisations to produce a newspaper feature on an issue which you all relate to. The editorial can be generic to raise awareness of the cause, and each organisation can be represented by a small advertisement on the same page.

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Isaiah 43:16-21 
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:4b-14 
John 12:1-8

“A tale of two hearts”

There is a stark contrast in this story – two hearts demonstrating two opposing reactions.  Imagine the scene, full of tension. A dinner party with one woman – Martha, working hard, serving the guests. All would have seemed quite normal until another woman – Mary literally “let her hair down” (quite an inappropriate action for a woman of that day), and Judas’s reaction. What he said was true, righteous, and hard to disagree with.  Can you imagine the atmosphere? Awkward…

Now we have met Mary and Martha before. Luke describes Martha as busy while Mary sits listening to Jesus (Jesus describes this as “the better way” - Luke 10:42).  Their brother Lazarus was raised to life (John 11). She walked with Jesus, and displayed remarkable faith, hope, and love. She is easy to admire.

Of course we know Judas and his famous betrayal – which John reminds us of in case we’re not sure, and goes on to expose Judas’s true motives. “ I'm pleased I'm not like him” I think smugly. Often you find more out about people when there is money around.  Curious the reactions of each heart: one extravagant, humble, expressive, and loving.  The other cold, selfish, and mean.

How did their hearts end up this way? Dallas Willard asks “Why are Christians so mean?” and concludes “Christians are routinely taught by example and word that it is more important to be right than it is to be Christ-like”.

Both Judas and Mary walked with Jesus. We walk with Jesus. How is my heart? Is it growing or shrinking? How do I react to others and treat them, or talk about them?  Where are we walking to? Towards Friday. After Sunday we continue to walk with him - may our hearts grow as we do.

Rev Darryl Tempero

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Get on TV

37. Get on TV

Whether it’s a short mention during the weather broadcast, a roving reporter or a fully fledged story on a current affairs show, there are lots of opportunities to get your organisation on television.

The easiest way is to contact various shows is via their network websites. Simply click on the show you are interested in and follow the contact details from there. If the show you are looking for is not listed on the home page or it is currently off-air, you can find it under ‘all listings’.

New Zealand also has 14 regional television stations which are always looking for local stories.

Sunday, 10 March 2013


Joshua 5:9-12 
Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Forgiveness lies at the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ. It’s what our Christian faith is all about. And yet only some of us really desire to be forgiven because only some of us are humble.

Our reading from Joshua indicates that the people had been shamed and disgraced.  They needed a new start. The Promised Land was not theirs until they were all in covenant relationship with the Lord, and for that they needed to submit to the knife of circumcision. It takes humility to submit. Mostly we would prefer to exempt ourselves from acknowledging who we really are. But as Psalm 32 tells us: once we have humbled ourselves and confessed our need, then we are truly happy and our strength that has been expended in denial is renewed.

Forgiveness is a profound experience. It alters our entire perspective on life. We view people differently; we view ourselves differently; we view Christ differently. Everything is now understood through the lens of reconciliation, and as we see the father in Luke 15 running to greet the son who had been lost, and as we listen in to him begging the stay-at-home son to join in with the festivities we start to realise that life will never be the same again.

Forgiven, we arrive home. Forgiven, we are free to forgive. And forgiven, we are enabled to do justice in a world that desperately needs it.

Rev Helen Martin

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Community Notices

36. Use Community Notices

Whether it’s Community Notices on the radio or in the newspaper, both are free and effective. To make them really work, choose just one key message you want to get across, and then give your audience a phone number and a website they can visit for more information. Remember, you can use Community Notices for more than promoting your events. You can use them to market for volunteers and donations as well.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


Isaiah 55:1-9 
Psalm 63:1-8
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 
Luke 13:1-9

As I begin to write this reflection (Sept 2012), my family and I are in the middle of New Zealand’s attempt to “live below the line”. Living on $2.25 for food per day isn't really fasting in the rigorist Lenten traditions of some of our Christian ancestors, but like them, our family’s “fast” serves to focus attention on important things that can get over looked in everyday living. Our ‘normal’ can leave us spiritually hungry, yet what we consume fails to satisfy (Isa 55.2). Or, like the Psalmist, we know only too well how much our souls thirst for God (63.1). “There must be something more to life than this” is a common complaint, even (or especially?) in relatively affluent societies like New Zealand. What can be done to overcome such a deep spiritual hunger among us?

The Lenten tradition connects fasting with repentance. “Repent or perish” are Jesus’ stark words to those who were questioning him about an atrocity carried out by Pilate’s soldiers on Galilean worshippers (presumably) in Jerusalem (Luke 13.1, 5). He follows this with a parable of a fig tree, its lack of fruit invites the farmer’s axe. “If you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall” is Paul’s advice to the charismatic Corinthians (1 Corinthians 10.12).

I think of the “ruler” who came to Jesus hungry for eternal life, but who left sad because he wouldn't put Jesus’ words into practice (Luke 18.23). The point of Lent isn't to feel hungry, but to find joy in obedience.

Rev Dr Paul Prestidge

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Send Thank You's

35. Send Thank You’s

The definition of marketing is ‘the total sum of activities required to make a sale’ and in the non-profit sector that ‘sale’ could be soliciting a donation, securing sponsorship, recruiting a volunteer or signing up a new member. While a ‘Thank You’ obviously comes after the first ‘sale’ has been made, it is an important marketing step towards securing a second one. Why waste time, energy and money looking for new supporters, when you can grow you current relationships with some genuine acknowledgement?

Sunday, 24 February 2013


Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17–4:1 
Luke 13:31-35

‘Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage’ (Ps 27:14). Kia kaha!  Be strong and wait for the Lord. Oh if we could wait on God and God’s timing, but we struggle to wait. We have been trained well by the culture with its patience-defying imperatives: “Here it is! It is what you need! You need it now! Come and get it! Pay later!”

In pondering the biblical concept of surrender we see that we have to drop ideas of our needs and desires being instantly satiated. We have to learn to wait on God and what God has in mind. We are taught by Jesus to wait on the Lord: “Your will be done”. But Jesus laments over a Jerusalem that has been sent prophets and messengers and has refused to wait and listen to those God has sent. Under the same threat as those previous prophets, Jesus heads to Jerusalem anyway. He refuses to heed the kindly Pharisees who warn him of an angry Herod. No, he is not afraid of Herod; he is free because he has long since surrendered to God.

In this season of Lent we are invited to wait on the Lord. A careful reading of the Psalm reveals that there is no expectation of an easy ride – there is an army of enemies encamped against the writer! The surrender is not to these enemies and their agendas; the surrender has long since been to God. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” What do these enemies really have when everything has already been given to the God who is like a hen who gathers her brood under her wings?

Rev Martin Stewart

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Traditional Fundraising Events

34. Run Traditional Fundraising Events

Often I hear people complaining that there’s no point hosting a fundraising event because they make little money for a lot of effort. While in some cases that may be true, fundraising events are not just about the dollars. Running an event is a great way to get some publicity and engage face-to-face with potential supporters. It also shows the public you are prepared to ‘roll up your sleeves’ and are a looking for a hand-UP not a hand-OUT.

Sunday, 17 February 2013


Deuteronomy 26:1-11 
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Romans 10:8b-13 
Luke 4:1-13

The conversation in Luke is a spiritual debate. The suggestions were legitimate suggestions! Earthly sustenance; making sure that God loves you; material satisfaction and using all this power to care for others.

But the instant fix is not going to be part of the toolkit of the newly baptised Jesus. Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness. He is hungry, he has fasted for 40 days, and the rocks around him start to look like loaves of bread. And he is tempted - we can only be tempted by what we see as possible for us to have and good people are tempted by good things - to turn a stone into a loaf of bread.

Why not do it for himself and for others? What a gift to bless a hungry world! There were plenty of people on the breadline in Jesus’ world.

But was this his task? He turns and challenges the tempter, “one does not live by bread alone”. Jesus is hungry and lives among people who are in need, yet he says there is something even more essential than food for life.

Food is basic for our survival, but the temptation to only deal with the physical needs and ignore our deep spiritual needs is great.

When I was active in Women’s Refuge we provided a place of safety. Emergency food, shelter and clothing were the first needs. But those who came needed to deal with the constant fear which was not going to vanish overnight. This is a spiritual struggle and those who could not trust anymore had to learn to trust again to live. Often everyone in their lives had let them down.

So where could they find the bread which fed their emptiness?

And where have we found it and what have we shared?

Rev Margaret Anne Low

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Talk with Your Team

33. Talk with Your Team

When it comes to marketing your organisation, it is important that your whole team provides a consistent message. Make sure everyone can accurately describe your mission statement and the services you provide.

Provide clear guidelines about who can speak with the media, and what can and can not be discussed. Create a frequently asked questions sheet, so that everyone can answer the basics about your organisation in the same way. This is the simplest and most important thing you can do.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Info Stand at Community Events

32. Have an Information Stand at Community Events

If you can’t hold your own Open Day, at the very least have an information stand at someone else’s event. If possible provide some demonstrations throughout the day, with plenty of good signage so people know who you are and what you do. Make sure you have a sign-up sheet for people interested in receiving your newsletter or getting more information.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Host an Open Day

31. Host an Open Day

It’s one thing to tell people what your organisation does, bit it’s a completely different thing to actually show them.  Hosting an Open Day allows potential clients or members to get a taste of what you can offer, and it gives potential supporters or sponsors a chance to see you in action.

For an Open Day to be truly successful you will need plenty of well-informed volunteers on hand to answer questions and lots of information brochures for people to take away. Make sure you include a range of demonstrations related to your organisation, and some hands-on activities so people can truly get involved.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Develop an Effective Brochure

30. Develop an Effective Brochure

The problem with brochures is that people feel compelled to use every last one in the pile, even if they are out-ofdate or tatty looking. Regardless of how much you paid to get them printed, they are worthless if the information does not truly reflect your organisation. Read through the promotional brochures you have on hand, and if they are out-of-date, toss them and develop a new one.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Send Personal Updates

29. Send Personal Updates

Within your organisation you will have people who support you in various ways and to various degrees. Generally speaking, the more personal your relationship with a supporter, the more generous they will be with their support.

Make a habit of going through your supporters list and identifying people you could build a stronger relationship with. Start by sending them personal updates, instead of (or as well as) the mass marketed newsletter. Make them feel like they are one of the chosen few, and they will return the favour.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Join a Non-Profit Networking Group

28. Join a Non-Profit Networking Group

If a business networking group is where you meet potential sponsors, a non-profit networking group is where you meet supporters. Getting to know other people in your sector allows you to share ideas and resources, as well as spread the word about specific projects or programmes you are running.

Try not to see other non-profit groups as your competition – they are in fact your allies – and by working together you can increase the profile and level of support for everyone involved.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Toolbox Tuesday - Enter Competitions

27. Enter Competitions

Entering competitions is different to entering awards, in that competitions are more about gaining public support than necessarily ‘being the best’. Competitions are a great way to rally your supporters and encourage them to find more support amongst their family and friends. It’s amazing how much your supporters will talk if they have something specific to talk about!

Silly radio competitions like ‘toss the boss’ definitely generate publicity, as do more serious competitions such as the monthly giveaway from Sovereign Sunshine. For more information on how you could win money and generate publicity with Sovereign Sunshine, visit .