Thursday, 28 November 2013

Random(ish) Acts of Kindness

So I know we only finished GB for the year last night, but I'm already starting to think about next year!  And being on the GB Programme Team means for me that if I'm going to prepare a badge subject for our company I might as well do it properly, test it, and send it out nationally.

I really believe that as a company we do not do enough service in our local community, which is silly really because as well as helping our community it is great publicity.  The thing that always stops me is memories of a girl singing songs at Rest Homes - I think retirement homes can be quite scary as a kid - plus if you know me I don't really like singing!

Trying to think of something to do for up to 6 weeks as a service idea seemed hard to me, and this got me thinking along the lines of random acts of kindness - simple things to brighten someone's day.  And I thought actually I/we could do that!!

  • Take cookies or muffins and a signed card to the local police or fire station, to say thank you for the awesome work they do.
  • Make cards or craft and take to retirement centre - ask the manager to give them out to people who might like them to brighten their day.
  • Collect food items and drop them off at City Mission or foodbank.
  • Make cards and/or gifts and drop them off in surrounding neighbours letterboxes.
  • Make some muffins and drop them off to the local librarian.
  • Clean up at a local park.
  • Collect unused toys from the girls and donate them to Starship, doctors, womens refuge etc
  • Pray!
  • Plant a tree.
  • Love your church, make or do something for your church.
  • Secret Santa...or secret gb friend?
  • Cross a generation - have a grandparents night
  • Create a thank you gift for someone, or create a thankyou chart/craft to show everything the girls are thankful for.

So the challenge is on, I would like to see if we can do as many GB subjects for 2014 as possible with the idea of serving our local community - lets get out there!

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