1 Peter 5:2-3
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
What better time than in this our 120th year of GB mission is there to focus on our Leaders. Give thanks to God for past and present leaders who have given so much of their time and energy as they work with the girls in your company. Pray that God will continue to bless them as they further His work. Pray for empowerment, training and nurturing of younger leaders that they will be given opportunities to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge as they step up to leadership roles within GB.
Pray for the girls in your company that they may come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and friend. Pray for the families of your girls, especially those who do not attend church. Pray that they would see how God is working through their child’s involvement in GB.
Pray that the link between your GB family and the Church will be strengthened. Pray that leaders in your church feel a greater sense of the potential of GB as a mission field to families in the local community. Pray for encouragement and a strengthened support network from your church to allow your company to grow.
Birthday cakes are usually part of a celebration, and in this our 120th year of GB Mission, there could be hundreds of cakes being cut all around the world as we celebrate our 120th birthday. While praying for your GB Company, the Chaplain, leaders, girls, parents and the Church, spend some time focusing also on the needs of children around the world. Sadly many children die before their fifth birthday and nearly all these children’s lives could have been saved with some simple measures i.e. regular health checks, mosquito nets that can stop malaria, good food to stop malnutrition, vaccination programmes etc.
Prepare a 120th celebration birthday cake. (You may like to do this previous to the prayer day and let the girls’ ice and decorate it).
Put four candles on the cake (or as many as you want) and as you light each candle, pray for something specific e.g.
- For children born today that they will grow up healthy and cared for and have someone to love them.
- Thank God for parents and other adults who care for children? Pray that they would have love, wisdom and resources to be good carers.
- Pray that children around the world will have the opportunity to grow as Jesus did – Luke 2 : 52.
- Pray for your company and all of its members, your Church, and your community for transformation and lives enriched through Christ Jesus.
Write a thank you on the Prayer Wave Facebook page for someone who has touched your life and made a difference.
OR Share a few words on the Prayer Wave Facebook page stating how God has transformed you through Girls’ Brigade.
Girl Facts:
- When girls reach puberty, many will face an increased threat of abuse and violence, including sexual harassment, incest and female genital mutilation. This can result in both physical and mental trauma, loss of self-esteem and leave them vulnerable to HIV and death in pregnancy and childbirth.
- 150 million girls under 18 have experienced rape or other forms of sexual violence
- 140 million women and girls are living with the consequences of Female Genital Mutilation
- Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death for girls aged 15-19 in the world’s poorest countries
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