Sunday, 17 March 2013


Isaiah 43:16-21 
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:4b-14 
John 12:1-8

“A tale of two hearts”

There is a stark contrast in this story – two hearts demonstrating two opposing reactions.  Imagine the scene, full of tension. A dinner party with one woman – Martha, working hard, serving the guests. All would have seemed quite normal until another woman – Mary literally “let her hair down” (quite an inappropriate action for a woman of that day), and Judas’s reaction. What he said was true, righteous, and hard to disagree with.  Can you imagine the atmosphere? Awkward…

Now we have met Mary and Martha before. Luke describes Martha as busy while Mary sits listening to Jesus (Jesus describes this as “the better way” - Luke 10:42).  Their brother Lazarus was raised to life (John 11). She walked with Jesus, and displayed remarkable faith, hope, and love. She is easy to admire.

Of course we know Judas and his famous betrayal – which John reminds us of in case we’re not sure, and goes on to expose Judas’s true motives. “ I'm pleased I'm not like him” I think smugly. Often you find more out about people when there is money around.  Curious the reactions of each heart: one extravagant, humble, expressive, and loving.  The other cold, selfish, and mean.

How did their hearts end up this way? Dallas Willard asks “Why are Christians so mean?” and concludes “Christians are routinely taught by example and word that it is more important to be right than it is to be Christ-like”.

Both Judas and Mary walked with Jesus. We walk with Jesus. How is my heart? Is it growing or shrinking? How do I react to others and treat them, or talk about them?  Where are we walking to? Towards Friday. After Sunday we continue to walk with him - may our hearts grow as we do.

Rev Darryl Tempero

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