Monday, 10 June 2013

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 1pm Asia

Bible Verse: 
Romans 1:14, 15 “I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and unwise. So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.” 

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. 
  • Pray for the National Officers of GBAF that they may continually be gripped by the gospel and live and preach it without wavering. 
  • Pray for girls and the extension work in GB Asia. 
  • Pray for the GBI President’s Committee which will meet together in the Kuala Lumpur in July 2013 – pray that God will bless their meetings with fruitfulness. 

Praise God for the successful events from National Exco to Drill Camps. Praise God for the service of the Officers and the faithfulness of the girls in different parts of the country.
Pray for peace and order situation in Sabah. May God put an end to this turmoil on this region.
Please pray also for the next GBAF meeting in July, to be visited by the International President, Ruth Chikasa.
Pray for the following events: Pray for travelling mercy and a fruitful meeting.
  • International Presidents Committee meeting in Kuala Lumpur from 22 to 26 July 2013. 
  • GBAF meeting will be on 26 to 27 July, 2013 in Kuala Lumpur also. 
  • GB Malaysia 75th Thanksgiving Anniversary will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 27th July, 2013. 
  • 56th GB Malaysia Annual General Meeting will be on 28th July 2013. 

Praise God for the 85th Anniversary celebration of GB Singapore last 2012. Pray for continued faithfulness of the GB Officers and girls – desiring to make a difference in their community in small or big ways.

Praise God for the GB work that is continually being used by God to reach the community through the lives of young men and women who are ministered to. Praise God for the success of ‘Love Project” that brought winter caps and blankets to some tribes of Thailand. Please pray for continues guidance and wisdom on how to go about the different works in Thailand.

List top three countries that you would want to visit in Asia. Then, think of ways on how you can make an eternal impact to that country that you would want to visit. Put it in your bucket list

Like the GBAsia Member countries FB pages: 

Girl Facts:
  • Girls’ primary school completion rates are below 50% in most poor countries. 
  • Gender inequality continues to permeate all sectors of society, from health and education to politics, employment and culture.

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