Liturgy of the Palms - Luke 19:28-40, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Liturgy of the Passion - Luke 23:1-49
This account of Jesus’ final hours describes an utterly chaotic mess marked by a feverish din of voices. Pilate, Herod, religious leaders, the mob – all raising their voices in increasing anger and frustration in an attempt to get their way. Pilate’s voice is heard as he becomes deeply disturbed by the obvious injustice of it all and increasingly worried by the growing power of the crowd. Herod’s voice is heard as he becomes excited by it all in that he finally has an audience with Jesus but frustrated that Jesus doesn't entertain him. The religious leaders’ voices become desperate in demanding that Jesus is sentenced to death. The crowd’s voice becomes ever louder as they call for Barabbas’ release and Jesus’ crucifixion. Then as Jesus hangs on the Cross, the voices continue to mock and taunt him; the leaders, the soldiers and one of the criminals on the cross.
Yet through the tumult of voices – as Luke’s account comes nearer to the moment of Jesus’ death – the violent voices seem to be drowned out by one Voice. Through all the evil static an astounding clear Voice can be heard. Comforting the grieving women (Luke 23:28-41); forgiving the offender (Luke 23:34); promising the condemned (Luke 23:43); demonstrating unbelievable trust (Luke 23:46).
What are the voices surrounding and deafening your world today? What violence and injustice are being called for? What taunts are wounding your soul? What are the destructive voices that are so extraordinarily powerful around you?
Read Luke 23:1-49 again and listen to the voice of Jesus in this account. Listen as his suffering, death and love silence them!
Rev Dr Geoff New
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