Monday, 10 June 2013

Girls' Brigade Prayer Wave 2013 - 2pm Africa

Bible Verse: 
Isaiah 43: 18 & 19 “Do not remember the former things neither consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” 

Info Bubbles:
  • Pray for GB in Zambia , Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ghana. 
  • Pray for the leaders in these countries for God’s wisdom in leading their National Girls’ Brigade to new heights. 

The use of a drug called ‘Tik’ is a problem in S.A, it claiming the lives of youth. Also rape and violence against women has become the order of the day. Pray that God will keep our girls free and safe.  South Africa is hosting the 2013 world girl’s camp – Gathering 2013. Pray for the success of the camp.

GB Nigeria is blessed with women and girls willing to do God’s work. Pray for strength and will power to do more and reach other parts of the country that GB is yet to be established in.  Pray for finance to raise a National office building and other projects.

GB Zambia runs a project for teenage mothers who seek to go back to school. Pray that this project will be achieved and sustained.

Write the names of active member countries in a circle, then write the names of non-active countries outside the circle. Using a prayer, write in a straight line connecting an active country to a non- active country,that God will integrate them into the circle.

To know more about the position of women worldwide,checkout this international website for Plan.

Girl Facts:
  • Every year 10 million girls are forced or coerced into marriage. 
  • One in every three girls in the developing world is married by the age of 18.

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