Week 3:
- Line up teams as from week previous
- Remind them of rules etc
- Olympics
- Round 1 – Hockey, each team given magazine stick and a balloon – up to chair and back
- Round 2 – Javelin Throw – each team given a straw, must throw and where it lands to stand and keep throwing until it reaches chair, then run back
- Round 3 – Reverse hurdles, each member of the team crawling, and to go under 2 chairs and then back again
- Round 4 – Gymnastics, each member to do forward rolls to chair and then star jumps back to team
- Team with most points goes on first then each other team 30 seconds later than last, give DEVOTIONS CLUE
- Choose an animal, and acting and making sounds of that animal, find the cross.
- Follow instructions on work sheet
- Check answers to get SPAIN DETOUR clue
- As a tight group hug walk to Spain
- Detour
- Choose between craft fish or word fish
- Craft fish – Cut out template, decorate and add verse Matthew 4:19, “Come follow me”, Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” – 1 per person
- Word fish – complete Spanish fruits wordfind – 1 per team
- Names on activities, get ENGLAND ROADBLOCK clue
- Roll to England
- Roadblock – one member of the team to complete
- One member of the team to Sing “I’m a little Tea Pot”, with actions, once complete direct them to table where craft set up.
- England – craft
- Each person to make handbag for tea party
All girls to clean up and then be seated for English Tea Party.
For full resources, please email me for a copy.
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