Thursday, 7 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Asia


• Pray for GB in Brunei, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.
• Mrs Tnay Hua has completed her second year as the GB Asia Chairman. Thank God for her time and her work in Girls’ Brigade and pray that her future in GB will be full of encouragement, new opportunities and success.
• Pray for fulfilment of GB Asia’s vision of ‘Reaching out-Touching lives.’

Post it note challenge! In support of Millennium Development Goal to ‘to promote gender equality and empower women’, we would love if you could raise awareness about it with your family and friends. Take a post-it note and write the following sentence on it: ‘We need to promote gender equality and empower women BECAUSE...’ Finish the sentence! You could include a statistic or your own personal opinion. At the bottom of the post-it note, write Micah Challenge 2012. Now place it somewhere where people will see it – in a lift, in a cupboard, on a door. Why don’t you take a photo and upload it to the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page?

Do you want to know more about the position of women worldwide? Download Plan’s ‘Because I am a Girl: The State of the World’s Girls 2011’ Report on its website - Use it to pray more effectively for girls around the world.

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