Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Toolbox Tuesday - GB Level Badges

So what does your group do for the girls to earn their level badges? We find its not many girls cup of tea to learn this sort of stuff. I've heard many ideas for learning this information from doing a little bit each night, to doing a couple of full nights on this. From doing activities like word puzzles, to jigsaw puzzles and all sorts of memory techniques.

We do level badges every two years, typically, and just for a couple of nights. I have some worksheets I have created with different sorts of puzzles. They complete these over 1 and a half nights; then for approx. an hour on the second night we play ZONK! This is a game where small coloured squares of card are stuck to the wall; on the backs of which are points (1,2,3,4,5,10,20,50 etc). The girls are in teams of mixed levels, I ask them a question, the first team with their hand up get to answer the question. If they get it right someone comes up and starts to remove the cards from the wall and adds up the points on the back, the twist is that some of the cards say ZONK, if they get this they lose all the points the hold for that round. They can say stop at any point and any points they have can be kept. It can get quite frantic and the girls can get quite competitive and loud but heaps of fun - and we find the girls really learn a lot.

This year we have had girls doing levels 1-3. Click on the links below to download PDF's of the level badge worksheets I have created for this years use, feel free to use them if you wish.  Level 2 & 3 will just need the info for West Akld cut out and your own info applied.  If you would like the publisher files from me, just email.

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