Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Wednesday's Word of the Week - Do you trust Him?

The sky is dark. Sudden waves of water tilt up our sailing vessel until we see nothing but sky and then downward until we see nothing but blue. I learned this about sailing: there is nothing swell about a swell!

Eyes turned first to the thunderclouds, then to the captain. We looked to him. He was deliberate and decisive. He told some of us where to sit, others what to do, and all of us to hang on. And we did what he said. Why? We knew he knew best.

Such winds test our trust in the Captain. Does God know what he’s doing? Why did he allow the storm? The conditions worsen, and his instructions perplex. How do you respond? Can you say about God what I said about our captain?

I know God knows what’s best. I know I don’t. I know he cares. Do you trust him?

“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

From Max Lucado's book, Come Thirsty

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Toolbox Tuesday - GB Level Badges

So what does your group do for the girls to earn their level badges? We find its not many girls cup of tea to learn this sort of stuff. I've heard many ideas for learning this information from doing a little bit each night, to doing a couple of full nights on this. From doing activities like word puzzles, to jigsaw puzzles and all sorts of memory techniques.

We do level badges every two years, typically, and just for a couple of nights. I have some worksheets I have created with different sorts of puzzles. They complete these over 1 and a half nights; then for approx. an hour on the second night we play ZONK! This is a game where small coloured squares of card are stuck to the wall; on the backs of which are points (1,2,3,4,5,10,20,50 etc). The girls are in teams of mixed levels, I ask them a question, the first team with their hand up get to answer the question. If they get it right someone comes up and starts to remove the cards from the wall and adds up the points on the back, the twist is that some of the cards say ZONK, if they get this they lose all the points the hold for that round. They can say stop at any point and any points they have can be kept. It can get quite frantic and the girls can get quite competitive and loud but heaps of fun - and we find the girls really learn a lot.

This year we have had girls doing levels 1-3. Click on the links below to download PDF's of the level badge worksheets I have created for this years use, feel free to use them if you wish.  Level 2 & 3 will just need the info for West Akld cut out and your own info applied.  If you would like the publisher files from me, just email.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Motivation Monday - The Invitation

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.  I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting you heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are, I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.  I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow, have been opened by life's betrayals, or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes, without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic or to remember the limitation of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true.  I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy.  I want to know if you can see beauty even when its not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure; yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the moon...YES.

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.  I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done for the children.

It doesn't interest me who you are and how you came to be here.  I want to know if you can stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me what, or where, or with whom you studied.  I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.  I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in empty moments.
Oriahe Mountain Dreamer

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wednesday's Word of The Week - the Dove Evolution

Today I bring you a devotion that you can run with your youth.

Main Point of Discussion: Our perception of beauty has been completely distorted by the media and modern technology, which is why we need to go back to God’s definition of beauty from the Bible.

Introducing the Clip:
Today I want to show you a clip from You Tube called ‘Dove Evolution’. As you watch it, think about how you define beauty.

Let’s take a look.

Show the You Tube clip ‘Dove Evolution’

Transitional Statement:
This clip does an excellent job of showing the incredible distortion tactics that go in to making people ‘beautiful’ and setting up unattainable standards- especially for women.

Divide into Small Groups:
Let’s go ahead and split up into our discussion groups, and then afterward we’ll come back together for a final word.

Discussion Questions:

AROUND THE CIRCLE: Before we begin, name some actors/actresses you might consider ‘hot.’
AROUND THE CIRCLE: Do you think these people really look like the way they do on the big screen? Why or why not?
AROUND THE CIRCLE: Why do advertisers and Hollywood feel they can’t put up a real person as an example of beauty?
ASK A FEW: How would you define ‘beauty’?

Read the following passage:
1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)
Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

ASK A FEW: What does the verse tell us “don’t be concerned” with? What are some examples of how kids at your school become “concerned” with stuff like this?
ASK A FEW: Do you ever become concerned with this stuff?
ASK A FEW: What does the verse say to instead “clothe ourselves with?” Describe someone that you know that has some of these “unfading” qualities?
ASK A FEW: Would anyone describe you as having any of these “unfading” qualities? Why or why not? Would you like to have some of these?
ASK A FEW: How does this passage relate to the Dove video?
ASK A FEW: What’s the downside to constantly being concerned about just outward beauty?
ASK A FEW: What does inner beauty look like?
AROUND THE CIRCLE: What positives come out of focusing on inner beauty?
ASK A FEW: How would focusing on inner beauty help us not get so hung up on outer beauty?
ASK A FEW: In the clip we saw the female version of focusing on outward beauty, what do you think the male version of this would look like?
ASK A FEW: What’s the connection between a distorted sense of beauty and low self-esteem?
AROUND THE CIRCLE: How does our distorted view of real beauty show up in negative behaviors? (i.e. pornography, anorexia, etc.)
AROUND THE CIRCLE: Name one way that you could focus on your inner beauty instead of your outer beauty this week.

Wrap Up:
Tonight we’ve been discussing the whole area of distorted vs. real beauty. Isn’t it amazing that Peter gave us a warning against focusing too much on external beauty almost 2000 years ago? What that tells us is that God is highly concerned that we don’t get caught in the ‘photoshop’ trap of judging our worth and value with how we measure up to what is really unattainable. Tonight I want to challenge you to think about how much time and emotional energy is put into trying to match society’s distorted definition of beauty, and how you can bring balance to your life by focusing on inner beauty. One great way to do this is to remember that because you have a relationship with Jesus, you have the power through Him to become more like Him every day- and that is the greatest inner beauty possible!

Close in Prayer – (give invitation)
Right now I want everyone to close their eyes and think about themselves and not those around you. If you are sitting here and you’re thinking, “I can’t try to be more like Jesus because I don’t know if I have a relationship with Him.”

If you’d like that relationship with God, tell Him. Ask Him to forgive your sins. If you’re willing to truly trust in Him, tell Him that you’re ready to turn away from the world’s obsession with outer beauty and focus on being like Christ..

There may also be Christians here who are really struggling with the things we’ve talked about. Tonight give your struggles to Christ, and let Him make you beautiful from the inside out.

For more ideas like this for youth ministry go to The Source for Youth Ministry

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Toolbox Tuesday - Marshmellow Moments

Earlier this year I bought to you Marshmellow Moments, which comes from our Red Resource folder and was tested by the Blockhouse Bay and Pt. Chevalier companies.  If you're looking for more to do with this theme what about letting your girls get creative with marshmellows and create animals with them.  Try creating the ones in the below image.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Motivation Monday - Making a Difference

One day a man was walking along the beach.  He noticed that during the night many starfish had washed up on the shore.  Far off in the distance he saw a figure dancing.  As he drew closer he noticed that it was not someone dancing but a small child methodically picking up starfish and tossing them back into the sea.  The man, puzzled, asked, "Why are you throwing those starfish?".  "If I leave them the sun will dry them and they will die, so I'm throwing them back into the sea because I want them to live!" she replied.  He was impressed with the child's thoughtfulness, but said, "There are millions of them, how could you possibly expect to make a difference?".  The small child pondered the man's words for a moment then picked up a starfish and threw it into the sea.  "You might be right, " she said, smiling, "but I made a difference to that one!"

After being at GBNZ Conference at Hunua this weekend, the thought occurs to me that sometime we can be overwhelmed by the politics, the business, the management etc. that is involved with running an organisation, and we may ask ourselves "Why do I do this, what is the point, what difference am I making, is it just too hard?".  And that is where I remember this story; every girl we reach is worth every bit of our energy and time.  I once was one of those girls, and the leaders that I had while growing up helped make me the person I am today.  So for all girls out there I say to you, do not feel overwhelmed, you are doing a fabulous job and all girls NZ wide need awesome leaders and role models like yourselves.  In the words of Joanna (IFG) and Outward Bound, "Be your best self".

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Wednesday's Word of the Week - Communication


God doesn’t always expect you to agree with your folks. He knows they’ll make mistakes. But He does expect you to honour them with your obedience. And for those who do? He gives a fantastic promise. Check it out: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ‘Honour your father and mother’ – which is the first commandment with a promise – ‘that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth’” (Ephesians 6:1-3).

The 10 “T’s” of Talking
Think about what you might need to improve on and asked God’s help with this. See what you can remember for next week!
  1. Think about what you’re going to say ahead of time. Plan points of what you’re suggesting and anticipate answers to any objections they may have. 
  2. Target your goal and see if there are any points you can negotiate. 
  3. Temper literally means “to moderate or control”. Make sure it is under control no matter what happens 
  4. Timing is everything. Pick the best times to talk not when others are busy doing something. 
  5. Thoughtfulness goes a long way in getting your arguments across. 
  6. Two-way conversation is the name of the game. 
  7. Telling is not yelling. Even if you’re getting frustrated, you can make sure it remains a conversation instead of a shouting match. 
  8. Teamwork. Engaging each other as teammates shows you want to work together to get the issue resolved. For example, if it’s going out Saturday night, ask your parents to trust that you’ll be bright-eyed for what they want to do Sunday morning. 
  9. Tone of voice and your inflection is vital for healthy discussion. If you sound demanding or disrespectful, get ready to tell your friends the plans are off! 
  10. Thank God once the conversation is done, regardless of the outcome. Show your appreciation to your teammates for helping you to communicate well.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Toolbox Tuesday - World of Friends Europe - Amazing Race Week 3

Girls’ Brigade Europe Amazing Race

Week 3:
  • Line up teams as from week previous
  • Remind them of rules etc
  • Olympics
  • Round 1 – Hockey, each team given magazine stick and a balloon – up to chair and back
  • Round 2 – Javelin Throw – each team given a straw, must throw and where it lands to stand and keep throwing until it reaches chair, then run back
  • Round 3 – Reverse hurdles, each member of the team crawling, and to go under 2 chairs and then back again
  • Round 4 – Gymnastics, each member to do forward rolls to chair and then star jumps back to team
  • Team with most points goes on first then each other team 30 seconds later than last, give DEVOTIONS CLUE
  • Choose an animal, and acting and making sounds of that animal, find the cross.
  • Follow instructions on work sheet
  • Check answers to get SPAIN DETOUR clue
  • As a tight group hug walk to Spain
  • Detour
  • Choose between craft fish or word fish
  • Craft fish – Cut out template, decorate and add verse Matthew 4:19, “Come follow me”, Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” – 1 per person
  • Word fish – complete Spanish fruits wordfind – 1 per team
  • Names on activities, get ENGLAND ROADBLOCK clue
  • Roll to England
  • Roadblock – one member of the team to complete
  • One member of the team to Sing “I’m a little Tea Pot”, with actions, once complete direct them to table where craft set up.
  • England – craft
  • Each person to make handbag for tea party


All girls to clean up and then be seated for English Tea Party.

For full resources, please email me for a copy.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Motivation Monday - Youth

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of the imagination, a vigour of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.  Youth means predominance of courage over timidity, of adventure over the love of ease.  This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty.  Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.  We grow old by deserting our ideals.  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.  Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair - these bow the heart and turn the spirit back to dust.  You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hopes; as old as your despair.
Samuel Ullman

Sunday, 10 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - the end or just the beginning?

We have now reached the end of the GB Prayer Wave 2012... but let’s not stop praying! Hold your hands open in front of you and sit in silence for several moments, staring at them. Pray that your hands will be a physical representation of what you desire your heart to be. Ask God to help you remember and earnestly pray for your Sisters in Christ, even in lands far away. Be reminded that your efforts in prayer can make a difference and uplift someone in another country. Be the hands in the Prayer Wave that want to be like God’s hands, and make a difference in this world.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on GB Pacific


Praise God for the opportunities that GB Pacific offers to girls; and for the leaders, helpers and supporters that bring about these opportunities.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for renewed communication within areas and between countries, where previously communication has been unreliable, often due to factors such as power shortages.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Tuvalu


Pray for the island which is suffering the effects of global warming. Please pray for the revival and extension of GB in this country.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Attempts have been made since about 1965 to establish GB in Fiji but this has been to no avail. Please continue to pray for an opportunity to form a GB group in Fiji.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on American Samoa


• Pray for GB in Cook Islands, Nuie, Tuvulu, and Samoa.
• GB Pacific consists of many islands which are a long distance from each other. Unfortunately travel is very expensive in the region. Pray that God will provide finances for trainers to be able to visit the islands and encourage the leaders.

Leaders in GB Pacific travel for many miles, even days, to attend GB training. Write a brief prayer on the Facebook page asking God to bless them with safe travel. Why don’t you pray for them the next time that you find yourself on a long journey?

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Canada


Pray that the discipling of young people and the study of God’s word will be given the highest priority every Brigade night.
Pray that the leaders will remain faithful and committed to God’s guidance.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Canada has 14 companies at present but it is eager to extend the work of Brigade across the country. Pray that God will bless it with finances, strength and vision.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on USA


GB USA has around 100 leaders and girls. Each girl is precious in God’s eyes. Pray that God’s truth which is taught in GB takes root in their hearts and minds. Help them shine God’s light into their homes, families, schools, colleges and workplaces.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the executive committee as they plan the year ahead and deal with legal and financial issues. Bless them with wisdom, courage and faith.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Caribbean / Americas


• Pray for GB in Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Haiti, Jamaica, Monserrat, Nevis, St Eustatius, St Kitts, St Maarten, St Vincent, Canada, U.S.A. and Trinidad & Tobago.
• Pray for the GBI President’s Committee which will meet together in the British Virgin Islands in July 2012 – pray that God will bless their meetings with fruitfulness.

The sheer geographic vastness of GB Caribbean–Americas brings inherent challenges. However, while bearing in mind its motto, ‘Divided in Sea, United in Christ’ gather a few friends or family members to help pray for this fellowship using a ball of string or wool. Say a short prayer each for Caribbean-Americans and then hold onto a piece of the string/wool while passing the rest on. Once you have finished praying you will have come together and united in making a network of prayers’ to your Sisters in Christ.

Write a brief prayer on the Facebook page for GB Caribbean–Americas. Ask God to bless the leaders with safety as they travel long distances between companies.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on St. Maarten


Pray that the work of GB in St. Maarten will flourish. Ask God to bring more girls into the active companies so they can hear about the love of Christ.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Ask God to revive 1st Maarten GB Company. To raise up a committed leadership to take up the challenge and move GB forward.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Cayman Islands


Give thanks to God for a successful and enjoyable 65th anniversary celebration in November 2011 and for the development of a GB choir in Cayman.
Thank God for a successful and inspiring ‘Lead like Jesus’ training workshop held in summer 2011.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the Annual Day Camp to be held in 2012 and the continued growth of GB companies in Cayman.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Caribbean / Americas


• GB Caribbean-Americas has 123 companies ministering to over 3,000 girls and young women on a weekly basis. It covers one of the largest geographical areas in the Brigade family and represents 22 member countries.
• GB Caribbean-Americas encourages regional co-operation and advancement of the Brigade for the transformation of the lives of girls and enrichment of the world around us, by being deliberate BEES for Christ in Building, Equipping, Extending and Serving in Christ’s kingdom.

Draw around your hand on a piece of paper.  Write five key words along each finger and thumb of the hand outline above to help you pray for GB Caribbean–Americas.

Praise God for who He is. As an act of worship, write one word to describe God on the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on England and Wales


Thank God for the number of young people who are taking on roles locally and nationally and shaping the future of GBEW. Pray that they will know God’s help as they share the vision.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Ask God for good relationships and joined up thinking between churches and GB groups. May they work together in their mission in their local community.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Scotland


Pray for all the members of GB Scotland. As church attendances decrease, pray that leaders will show the girls the amazing love of Jesus Christ as it is possible they don’t hear the Gospel anywhere else.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Praise God that the new residential lodges are now complete. Pray that the girls will benefit the most from this exciting project and GB Scotland can move onto new projects.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Northern Ireland


Pray for Rhythm, a new mentoring resource. Pray this will really impact on the lives of those who take part and others will feel called to undertake this spiritually life changing experience.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for GBNI’s new President as she takes up her post – may God lead her and empower her with His vision as she works to continue to move GBNI forward.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Ireland


Thank God for opening doors in Donegal for new companies. Pray that God will continue to lead GB Ireland to the churches where He wants them to bring GB. Also pray that they will be blessed with the leaders needed to run these companies.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for understanding and guidance for GB Ireland as they work their way through the new Government Quality Standards Framework for youth work in Ireland.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Europe


• Pray for GB in England & Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
• GB Europe has an annual fellowship weekend and it is being held this weekend in Scotland. Pray for safe travel for the ladies who are travelling from across the U.K. to the venue. Pray that their passion for Him will shine brightly this weekend.

Praise our faithful Heavenly Father for who He is! Write down a few words that describe the support you feel blessed with from your GB family.

Thank God that wherever we go, and in whatever we are doing, He is always there with us.

Splash ONLINE! Why don’t you visit the up-to-date websites for more info? 

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Project Fizz


FIZZ 2012 goals are to:
1. Empower more young women to serve on FIZZ teams in July and August 2011
2. Empower FIZZ team members through the creation of online discipleship mission e-training
3. Empower GB leaders in Kosova to be more equipped through localised training
4. Empower young women from across GB Europe to form inspiring support networks.


In July and August 2012, over 50 ladies from across the UK will serve on mission teams over a six week period in Kosova. They will be networked together as gurgling springs in dry places, restoring hope for life. Pray for safe travel, good health and that they would feel transformed by their experiences.
Pray that they will feel the love of their Heavenly Father and know that He is with them in every eventuality as they share their faith, skills and gifts during their trip.
Also pray that the widows will feel blessed by the gifts which the FIZZ teams distribute and will realise that God has not forgotten them, even in their sadness.

For more up-to-date info, photos and stories on the FIZZ Project, check out the FIZZ Facebook page.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Kosova


Pray for Emily, Juli and Flora as they lead GB groups in Gjakove, Rugove and Pemishte, and for the girls who come along each week.
Pray for Smile Centre Co-ordinator Klodi, looking to start children’s work in her church and considering whether GB is the answer.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for one of the young GB leaders Meritona who is studying at university in Pristina. Pray that she will have lots of opportunities to share the vision of GB with churches in the capital.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Europe


• Pray for GB in Kosova and Romania.
• GB Europe has 1,175 companies and is encouraging, discipling and showing God’s love to over 54,000 girls and young women on a weekly basis.

Find a photo of someone in your life whose faith has really inspired you. Perhaps it could be someone you know from Girls’ Brigade. Put the photo somewhere where you will see it often. Every time you look at the photo, stop and thank God for who that person is, what that person means to you, and who God is constantly forming that person to become. Pray that God, who started this great work in them, will keep their passion and energy alive for Him and that their faith will continue to inspire you and be the blessing that it has been so far in your life.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Your Church


Pray that your GB family will strengthen its link with its church family. Pray for the families of your girls, especially those who do not attend church. Pray that they would see how good God is through their child’s involvement in GB.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray that the leaders in your church feel a greater sense of the potential of GB as a mission field to families in the local community. Pray for encouragement and a strengthened support network from your church to allow your company to grow.

Friday, 8 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Your Leaders


Give thanks to God for the women, past and present, who sacrifice(d) so much time and energy for your company. Pray that their responsibilities will never be too much for them, and they will get a release by carrying their burdens to Christ.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the empowerment, training and nurturing of younger leaders. Pray that we will see a generation of Esthers rising up who are bold in their faith and practice as the hands and feet of Christ in today’s world.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Your Company

We all have different ways of praying, all of them are correct. Some of us prefer to pray alone and some of us in a group. There are so many creative prayer ideas out there to help you focus when you pray. Why don’t you have a discussion with your girls about how they like to talk to God? You can share new ideas and they will probably have some new ones for you as well! Perhaps you could make a prayer rota to implement these different methods and help motivate your girls who struggle with understanding how to pray?

Think back to the person you were, how your life was, before you became a Christian and became involved in leadership at your GB. Then reflect on the person you are today – the ways in which God has transformed your life.

Thank God for what He’s done. Perhaps as an act of worship you could share a few words on the Prayer Wave Facebook page stating how God has transformed you through Girls’ Brigade.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on GB Africa


Pray for the fulfilment of GB Africa’s mission statement ‘That all countries in the Girls’ Brigade Africa Fellowship will be equal partners and shall not neglect to network and meet together to share in each other’s strengths and weaknesses, using their varied gifts and cultures for common good to be able to grow to full maturity in Christ’.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Zimbabwe


Pray for safety and protection for all the leaders and girls of GB Zimbabwe.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Help more women rise up and commit to the challenge of leadership.  Pray that all leaders will put Christ first in their lives.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Ghana


Pray that each of the 9,172 girls and women realise that they are loved with an endless love by their Saviour.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: 2012 is an election year for Ghana. Pray for a peaceful election. Pray for the girls and leaders will conduct themselves as true followers of Jesus Christ.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Africa


• Pray for GB in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.
• GB Africa has 699 companies and is encouraging, discipling and showing God’s love to over 25,000 girls and young women on a weekly basis. It is the second largest fellowship.

International Prayer Partners?

You are now nearly half way through the Prayer Wave... but do you want to pray more effectively for your GB sisters around the world? Please consider becoming an International Prayer Partner. Just contact Claire Rush ( to be connected with another GB member. Please note that you must be over 18 years old.

Put a Bible verse that God has used to inspire you through difficulties on the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page. Encourage others with God’s word.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Zambia


GB Zambia runs a project for teenage mothers which seeks to integrate them back to school and educate them in baby care. Pray for the sustainment of this scheme and that the girls will feel God’s love and redemption.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray that God will provide the finances for the building of a Training Centre at Kamirenda in Luanshya.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Kenya


Pray for the members of GB National Council and pray for peace during the government elections.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for continued growth in membership for GB Kenya. Pray that every local leader will be encouraged and inspired by the girls who attend their group every week.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on South Africa


GB is engaged in many social outreach programmes demonstrating God’s love to AIDS victims, street children and homeless people. Pray that God will use GB members to restore broken lives.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: South Africa will host the 2013 international girls’ camp to celebrate the 120th anniversary of GB. Pray for the planning team and that God will make this a life-changing event in many girls’ lives.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Africa


• Pray for GB in Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
• Ruth Chikasa from Zambia was elected GB International President for a second term at ICGB in 2010. Pray for strength and energy as she travels around the world inspiring girls and leaders to Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.

Write a prayer for GB Africa over a map of Africa. Try and cover every country with your text.

Write a prayer for the GB International Girls’ Camp on the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page and/or GB Prayer Wave 2012 Wallwisher wall.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Mongolia


Ask God to continue to bless the development of GB in Mongolia. Pray for all the leaders as they continue to sacrifice time and energy to bless the girls with time and attention.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Singapore


Thank God for His faithfulness to GB Singapore as it celebrates its 85th anniversary throughout 2012.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: As GB celebrates its 85th anniversary, pray that God will continue to bestow innovative vision to the national leadership as it seeks to fulfil its vision of ‘growing girls, raising leaders across generations, across borders.’

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Cambodia


GB Cambodia was the focus of the 2006-2010 International Project. Thank God for all the money that was raised and ask for a special blessing for the people across the world who sacrificed time and money to fundraise for the One Chance Project.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Thank God for the staff of GB Cambodia. May they continue to spread songkhem (hope) to more girls and women in the country.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Asia


• Pray for GB in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Mongolia and Singapore.
• There are 234 companies in Asia ministering to no fewer than 14,000 members. This is not just a statistic. Each girl and woman is loved and known by God. Pray that they see themselves as God sees them – precious, treasured, redeemed...

As GB Singapore is celebrating its 85th anniversary, take this opportunity to celebrate the happenings and achievements in your own GB group. Write things down to celebrate and praise God for His many blessings.

Share the link for the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page with another GB friend and remind them to join in...

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Malaysia


Thank God for the successful GB Malaysian Fonomarae Camp in Kuala Lumpur. Thank Him for His protection and fine weather so that the programme planned ran smoothly.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for continued spiritual development in the lives of the 330 campers from the successful GB Malaysia Fonomarae who came from East and West Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Hong Kong


Pray for the 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving celebrations that GB Hong Kong will be having throughout 2012.
Praise God for His faithfulness.
Pray for vision at the next GB Asia meeting in Hong Kong from 23-24 August.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: There are many extra-curricular activities for girls in Hong Kong. Pray that the girls of GB Hong Kong will not only learn skills but develop a living relationship with Christ.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Asia


• Pray for GB in Brunei, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.
• Mrs Tnay Hua has completed her second year as the GB Asia Chairman. Thank God for her time and her work in Girls’ Brigade and pray that her future in GB will be full of encouragement, new opportunities and success.
• Pray for fulfilment of GB Asia’s vision of ‘Reaching out-Touching lives.’

Post it note challenge! In support of Millennium Development Goal to ‘to promote gender equality and empower women’, we would love if you could raise awareness about it with your family and friends. Take a post-it note and write the following sentence on it: ‘We need to promote gender equality and empower women BECAUSE...’ Finish the sentence! You could include a statistic or your own personal opinion. At the bottom of the post-it note, write Micah Challenge 2012. Now place it somewhere where people will see it – in a lift, in a cupboard, on a door. Why don’t you take a photo and upload it to the GB Prayer Wave Facebook page?

Do you want to know more about the position of women worldwide? Download Plan’s ‘Because I am a Girl: The State of the World’s Girls 2011’ Report on its website - Use it to pray more effectively for girls around the world.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Solomon Islands


Pray for the election of National Commissioners and Office Bearers during the upcoming National Conference. Also for the one week leaders’ training that will take place after the conference.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the newly developed mission station in Namuabu, a remote area of Kwaio, Malaita Province.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Papua New Guinea


Please pray for plans for a proposed National Fonomarae during June/July 2012. This would be the first ever in the country.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: GB Papua New Guinea wants to reach its vision ‘to have GB in all the 23 provinces by 2015’. Currently they have GB in six provinces. Pray that God will bring the committed leaders, resources, and girls to achieve this goal.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on New Zealand


Pray for a productive weekend during GBNZ National Conference scheduled for 15 – 17 June. Lift up the
national leadership in prayer and ask God to bless them with good decision-making.

Pray for smooth preparations leading up to the NZ Fonomarae in January 2013.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the National Youth Representatives immediate past, present and future (Rachel, Megan, Rebecca) as they guide the Youth Forum towards a new vision.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Australia


Praise God for how He inspired and encouraged many girls at the Fonomarae in January 2012.
Pray for the leaders attending National Conference in October 2012 as they join together in prayer and discussion.

BREAK CAMP, MOVE ON: Pray for the preparations for ICGB 2014 – for those involved in the planning and preparations, and for those who will be travelling long distances to attend.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on Pacific


• Pray for GB in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Vanuatu and Solomon Islands.
• GB Pacific has 366 companies and is encouraging, discipling and showing God’s love to over 10,000 girls and young women on a weekly basis.

Thank God for GB, for the powerful way in which it can help girls and young women grow a relationship with Christ. Thank God for the blessing GB has been in your own life. Thank Him for the opportunities He has blessed us all with in GB to shine His light to many across the world and help extend His kingdom.

Remember you can engage with people around the world by writing your prayers online at our Facebook and Wallwisher pages (

Wednesday's Word of the Week - Loyalty to the Extreme

Loyalty to the Extreme 

Read Ruth, chapter 1.

Thought for today: If a friend disappoints you, goes off the deep end, does something stupid, or even repulsive, that friend is still your friend. You do not say, “I’ll never trust you or like you again.” You’re always ready to forgive and start over with a friend.
Michael W. Smith, performing artist

Something more to think about: As you read the story about Ruth and Naomi, what bugged you about Naomi’s attitude? What did you find wonderful about Ruth’s attitude? Is there someone in your life who is like Naomi (maybe even you, sometimes)? If you’re feeling discouraged about your friend’s attitude, be sure to talk to an adult about the situation in order to gain some ideas.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on New Beginnings


‘The Lord has spoken, you have stayed too long on this mountain, break camp and move on...’ (Deuteronomy Ch. 1 : 6 ). We need to cross over and move on and be bold in trusting God so we turn ourselves from an organisation into a movement that’s passionate and enthusiastic in the way we reach girls and young women.

Ruth Chikasa, GBI President (2006-2014)

The GB Prayer Wave 2012 has begun... let’s commit to praying throughout the day! Cut out the Prayer Wave logo below and stick it to your computer, fridge or car. Let it be a reminder for us to keep praying for our sisters across the world.

Share a Bible verse on the Prayer Wave Facebook page that always encourages you. Help encourage others with God’s word.

GB Prayer Wave - Focus on GB International


Thank God that He has grown GB from Margaret Lyttle’s vision in 1893 into a global movement. Even in 2012, GB is still extending into new areas. GB now has over 107,000 members, spread over 55 countries worldwide.

Pray for some of GB’s international projects:
• FIZZ (GB Europe)
• The One Chance Project Cambodia (GB Asia)
• Teenage Mothers School Project Zambia (GB Africa)
• Extension of the Girls’ Brigade in Tuvalu, Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands (GB Pacific)

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Toolbox Tuesday - World of Friends Europe - Amazing Race Week 2

Girls’ Brigade Europe Amazing Race

Week 2:
  • Line up teams as from week previous
  • Remind them of rules etc
  • Story told to all teams of the invention of Braille
  • All teams given a list of items to find in Braille (with alphabet)
  • Teams to decipher list and find all items, bring to leader to confirm, if correct give IRELAND DETOUR CLUE
  • All members of team to skip backwards to Ireland
  • Detour – choose between green or scene
  • Green – craft a leprechaun each member
  • Scene – cut potatoes to form a picture
  • Team names on items when finished, give team DEVOTIONS CLUE
  • Find the cross, travel there in extreme slow motion (points awarded)
  • Answer questions, name team and strengths, team name and motto
  • Check answers with leader, give CRAFT CLUE
  • Make your way to leader working as a team with only 2 feet on the ground per team to get next clue
  • Make cross pins and attach to card as shown in sample with message
  • Girls to write made by ......... with their name on the back, give SCOTLAND ROADBLOCK CLUE 
  • Travel singing the national anthem of New Zealand (English) to Scotland
  • Roadblock – team to give one person in the team a face pack made from cold porridge


If you wish to use this please email me for the complete set of resources.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Motivation Mondays - The Joy in the Journey

She sat in 14E, and I sat in 14D.

She was rural, and I was urban. She was backward, and I was sophisticated. She was homey, and I was “professional.” But she could see, and I was blind.

“They sure do put these seats close up against each other, don’t they,” she said as I sat down.

Her face was ten inches from mine. She had basset-hound cheeks; her eyebrows peaked over her nose; and her jowls sagged. She wore a Dutch-bob haircut and a blue, velour pants suit. I don’t know if she was old or just looked old. But I do know one thing: She’d never flown.

“I don’t do this too much, do you?”

When I told her I did, her eyes widened. “Oooh, that must be fu-un.” (She could add a syllable to any word.)

I groaned to myself. I already had a bad attitude. My week had been hectic. The plane was late and overbooked. And now I was sitting next to Gomer Pyle’s mother.

“Oooh, boy, look at that one!”

She pointed at the plane ahead of us on the runway.

“Is this one that big?”

“Yes.” I hoped my brief response would show her that I wasn’t up for chitchat. It didn’t.

“I’m going to see my boy in Dallas. Do you ever go to Dallas? I hope he’s OK. He had a stomach flu last week. He’s got a new dog. I can’t wait to see it. It’s a Labrador. Do you know what that is? They are big and lovable and … ”

She was uncanny. Not only could she add a syllable to every word, she could answer her own questions.

As we were taking off, however, she got quiet. For several moments she said nothing. Then she suddenly let out a sound that would have called the pigs for dinner.

“Oooooeeee, those trees down there look like peat moss!”

People seated around us turned and stared like I was E. F. Hutton.

“What river is that?”

I told her I didn’t know, so she flagged down a stewardess.

When I pulled out my laptop computer, she was enthralled. “Now isn’t that clever.”

And that went on … the whole flight. She didn’t miss a thing. If she wasn’t staring out the window, she was amazed by a magazine. If she wasn’t talking, she was “oooh-ing.” She played with her fan. She turned her light on and off. She toyed with her seat belt. She savored her lunch. When we went through turbulence, I looked over at her to be sure she was all right, and she was grinning. You’d have thought she was riding the Ferris wheel at the county fair!

It occurred to me, about mid-journey, that she was the only person enjoying the trip.

The rest of us, the “sophisticated,” were too mature to have fun. I was staring at a computer screen—eyes tired, stressed-out, trying to find a message for stress-filled people and never noticing that the message was sitting beside me.

“Wasn’t that a fu-un trip?” she asked as we were leaving the plane.

I didn’t say anything. I just nodded and smiled. Off she walked, bouncing down the concourse as curious as a six-year-old. I watched her as long as I could, then turned to go to my next flight with a lesson learned.

I resolved to keep my eyes open.

It does little good, I decided, to make the trip and miss the journey.

From In the Eye of the Storm
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1991, 2001) Max Lucado

Friday, 1 June 2012

Fundraising Friday - Membership

The easiest and most reliable way to raise funds is through membership.  If you've been to a GB national AGM you would have heard this before.  Membership fees cover our day to day operations.  Then we can focus our energy on targeted fundraising to add value to our organisation.

When was the last time your membership fee was reviewed?  Just because your membership fee has always been $20, doesn't mean it has to stay that way.  Costs/services/facilities change - our membership fees reflect the value we place on our services.  Ask yourself the question - how valuable is the service you provide?  While you don't need to increase fees every year, they should be reviewed at each annual meeting.  I have been in GB since I was 7 years old, it has changed my life, and has been invaluable to me.  $80 per year, $100 per year or whatever it was - the membership fees that my parents would have paid as I grew up through GB were all worth it, GB helped to make me the person I am today.  The experience and development was and is invaluable.

Make sure you have a system in place so that people know how much to pay, when is the deadline for payment, and give them multiple ways of making a payment i.e. cash, cheque, online.  AND make sure you follow up on late payments.  This year our company has enforced a tough policy on payment of fees, and while it may seem harsh, parents have not complained and they have seen that fees are important to the running of the company.  Mostly payments are made quite timely.

And finally increase your membership numbers.  The more members, the easier funds come in to run our awesome programs.  So get out in your communities, not just by advertising, but by being visible in your communities and show them what you do and what a difference you can make.  Let everyone know that Girls' Brigade EXISTS!