Week 3:
- Get girls back into teams from previous week
- Explain rules of the game
- No running
- Work as a team
- No put down comments
- Detour – choose between 2 activities (do only 1)
- Roadblock – only one person from team does activity, different person from the team each week.
- Idea of the game is to make it to the end, not about winning prizes.
- Tongue Twister Telephone
- In a circle in teams
- Give girls tongue twisters; to be passed onto next girl like Chinese whispers. Last girl to receive has to say to leader, if they get it right they get a point.
- Super snakes sneak silently searching supper.
- Every elephant eats eggplant each evening.
- Warthogs walk with worms without whispering.
- Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.
- How much wood could a wood chuck; chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
- These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip off the tongue.
- Team with most points gets their BENIN – DETOUR clue.
- All members in team travel to Benin in a line and walking as if on a tightrope.
- Detour – choose between word unscramble or canoe races.
- Word Unscrammble – girls to spell out words from facts off sheet using letters; there will be no spare letters once completed.
- Canoe races – girls to make 1 canoe each, add some tape to the bottom of the canoe. Each canoe to get across the water without sinking. Girls have to blow; no hands.
- Once complete give GUINEA – ROADBLOCK clue
- Skip backwards to Guinea
- One person is to find the ‘bug’ inside the bowl of pudding
- They are only allowed to use their mouth to get it out.
- The bug has their next clue on it; DEVOTION clue
- As a team jump holding hands to find the cross.
- Complete the activity using the instructions on the sheet
- Give AFRICA clue
- Girls are to keep together as a team and find 15 Africa facts, these are located all around the building.
- Once complete, team can go to the pitstop.